The preferred installation is from the binary distribution. If you have to compile the source code, it gets more complicated (see Compiling Bsoft).
These only need to be installed if they are not present or updated.
Bsoft is primarily a command-line package, with all the necessary code included in the package. However, it includes a Tcl/Tk interface and a Tcl/Tk script, bshow, useful for the display of images and a few interactive manipulations. The Tcl/Tk version must be 8.5 or higher.
Installing Tcl/Tk:
(One of the following)
sudo yum install tcl tk sudo dnf install tcl tk
Ubuntu (Debian)
sudo apt-get install tk
The default format for parameter files is the STAR format. These can also be written in an XML format, but requires the libxml2.
Installing libxml2:
(One of the following)
sudo yum install libxml2 sudo dnf install libxml2
Ubuntu (Debian)
sudo apt-get install libxml2
The following was compiled under Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.9:
Change to the installation directory:
cd /usr/local
Unpack the distribution:
tar xzvf bsoft2_1_3_Red_7.9.tgz
Set up the environment:
Launch a new terminal and test that it runs:
bimg bshow