-rescale -0.1,5.2 | Rescale input images to average and standard deviation. |
-verbose 3 | Verbosity of output. |
-datatype u | Force writing of a new data type. |
-sampling 1.5,1.5,1.5 | Sampling (A/pixel; a single value can be given). |
-origin 0.8,-10,15.7 | Set the origin (default from input image). |
-reverse | Reverse the order of catenation. |
-slices | Pack 2D images as z-slices (default pack as separate images). |
-size 10,50,8 | New image size (pixels). |
-fill 125.5 | Fill value for padding (default average). |
-raw d=f#x=120,120,1 | Formatting to reinterpret image files. |
-output output.img | Output image (default temp.miff). |