Bsoft program


Usage: bcolour [options] input.img output.img

Generates nice colour images.
Only image file formats capable of handling RGB can be used for output (TIFF, PNG, JPEG).


-invertInvert image.
-red -4.5,88.3Convert a grayscale range to red.
-green -4.5,88.3Convert a grayscale range to green.
-blue -4.5,88.3Convert a grayscale range to blue.
-spectrum 1,22.4Convert a grayscale range to a spectral colour scale.
-rwb 0,56,167,245Convert a grayscale range to a red, white and blue image.
-phasesColour the phases in a polar map or complex transform.
-intensitiesCalculates the intensities without colours.
-pureCalculates pure colours without intensity.
-alphaAdd an alpha (transparency) channel.
-noalphaRemove the alpha (transparency) channel.
-torgbConvert grayscale or CMYK to RGB.
-tocmykConvert grayscale or RGB to CMYK.
-splitSplit the channels into individual images.
-combine 3Combine channels from individual images.


-verbose 7Verbosity of output.
-datatype uForce writing of a new data type.
-subtractiveFlag to calculate subtractive one-color conversions.
-grayextremesFlag to keep gray extremes beyond colorization limits.


-add file.tifAdd this file to the input file (must be the same size).


-scale file.tifOutput spectral scale image.
-phasewheel pcw.pngOutput a phase color wheel (size 512,512,1).

Bsoft version 2.0.7-20200917 (64 bit)

Generated by on Mon Oct 26 08:20:10 2020

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