Bsoft program


Usage: bcyl [options] input.img output.img

Unwraps an image to its cylindrical projection.


-symmetrizeSymmetrizes a map cylindrically around the origin.
-unwrap 1.5Unwraps an image to its cylindrical projection with the given angle.
-autocorrelateAutocorrelates the unwrapped map and outputs the autocorrelation map.
-rescale -0.1,5.2Rescale data to average and standard deviation (after -truncate).
-shellsCalculate cylindrical shells projecting along the y-axis.
-reslice yzxReslice (switch axes) after unwrapping.


-verbose 7Verbosity of output.
-datatype uForce writing of a new data type.
-origin 0,-10.5,30Set the origin.
-resolution 4.5,130Resolution range for correlation (default 0 - 1e6 angstrom).

Bsoft version 2.0.7-20200917 (64 bit)

Generated by on Mon Oct 26 08:20:11 2020

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