-create 20,60,30 | Create a new image of this size (pixels/voxels). |
| Note: No input image is read and the first file name is taken as the output image. |
-rescale -0.1,5.2 | Rescale data to average and standard deviation. |
-box 0,3,44,50,30,44 | Start (lower-left-back voxel) and size of box (voxels). |
-sphere 22,5,39,120 | Center and radius from center of sphere (voxels). |
-shell 32,45,23,20,120 | Center and inner and outer radii of shell (voxels). |
-cylinder 41,76,9,12,23 | Center, radius and height of cylinder (voxels). |
-gaussian 45,55,12,14.5 | Center and sigma of gaussian sphere (voxels). |
-quadratic 1,2,1,2,1,2,1 | Create a quadratic image (7 parameters). |
-gradient quad | Correct for the gradient in an image: linear or quadratic. |
-tetrahedron 9,-3,4,... | Extract a tetrahedron defined by four sets of 3-valued vectors. |
| |