-inverse | Backward transform (default forward). |
-phaseshift | Shift phase by half of the size. |
-powerspectrum | Calculate powerspectrum estimate (can be used with the -tile option). |
-average | Average multiple power spectra (can be used with the -tile option). |
-logarithm | Calculate the logarithm of the power spectrum. |
-color 1.5 | Generate a phase-coloured power spectrum: amplitude scaling. |
-zeroorigin | Zero the transform origin. |
-halfshift | Shift correlation map by half the size to put the origin in the middle. |
-test 2,75,278,1 | Test FFT execution time: dimensions,size min and max, and optimization flag. |
-verbose 7 | Verbosity of output. |
-datatype u | Force writing of a new data type. |
-resolution 4.5,130 | Resolution (default 0 - 10000 angstrom). |
-free 15 | % flagged for R-free calculations (default 10). |
-origin 0,-10,30 | Set origin, used with -size option (default 0,0,0). |
-size 22,33,14 | Size for transform or hkl input (voxels, default from data). |
-sampling 2,3.5,1 | Sampling (angstrom/voxel, a single value sets all three). |
-unitcell | 100,100,100,90,90,90 Unit cell parameters. |
-symmetry 1 | Space group. |
-tile 1024,1024,1 | Size of tiles for calculating a power spectrum. |