Bsoft program


Usage: bfile [options] infile [outfile]

Examines and modifies binary files.


-blocksCharacter value blocks (16 per line).
-hexadecimalCharacter hexadecimal value blocks (16 per line).
-charactersCharacter blocks (64 per line).
-format bbsifOutput formatted according to a sequence of data types.
-find astringFind the given string.
-poke 3124,20.4,fPoking at a location a value of a specific data type.
-replace "\n,\r"Replace all occurrences of the first string by the second.


-verbose 1Verbosity of output.
-bytes 128Number of bytes to read (default 64).
-start 646Starting position to read from (default 0).
-reverse 2Reverse byte order for (2) bytes.
-VAXConvert VAX floating point numbers.
Data types:
b: byte or unsigned char (1 byte)
c: signed char (1 byte)
u: word or unsigned short (2 bytes)
s: short (2 bytes)
j: unsigned integer (4 bytes)
i: integer (4 bytes)
f: float (4 bytes)
d: double (8 bytes)

Bsoft version 2.0.7-20200917 (64 bit)

Generated by on Mon Oct 26 08:20:11 2020

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