Bsoft program


Usage: bhead [options] input.img output.img

Reports on and modifies image parameters in the image header.
Image format extensions supported: BioRad (pic), Brix (brx), CCP4 (map), Digital Instruments (di) EM (em), Goodford (pot), GRD (grd), Imagic (img), MFF (mff) Image Magick (miff), MRC (mrc), PIC (bp), PIF (pif), Spider (spi) Suprim (spm), TIFF (tif), RAW (raw) Background calculation flag: 1=outside enclosing circle 2=inside enclosing circle 3=inside half-radius circle


-informationShow sub-image information.
-moments 6Show sub-image moments up to the indicated order.
-get sizeShow selected information.
-recalculateForce recalculation of statistics.
-slicesInterpret multiple 2D images as z-slices of a single 3D image.
-imagesInterpret slices of a single 3D image as 2D images.
-background 1Calculate new background values (image not modified).
-Background 2Calculate new background values and mask the background.
-subtractbackgroundSubtract the background.
-shiftbackground 1.6Shift the background to this value.


-verbose 7Verbosity of output.
-datatype uForce writing of a new data type.
-select 1Select an image (first image = 0; default: all images).
-origin 0,-10.5,30Set the origin.
-sampling 1.5,1.5,1.5Sampling (A/pixel; a single value can be given).
-Sampling 1.5,1.5,1.5Sets sampling and unit cell dimensions to fill image (A/pixel).
-setbackground 0.5Set the background to this value.
-symmetry D6Point group identifier.
-spacegroup 90Set space group.
-unitcell82,82.3,100,90,66.7,70 Set unit cell parameters (A and degrees).
-View 0.3,0.5,-0.2,35Sets the view parameters for every image.
-label "Newtitle" Give a new title or label in the header.
-fixtype8 or 16 bit integer types are switched between signed and unsigned.

Bsoft version 2.0.7-20200917 (64 bit)

Generated by on Mon Oct 26 08:20:11 2020

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