-normalize | Normalize symmetrized output, use for maps close to symmetry (default not). |
-background | Calculate new background values. |
-project 20 | Generate projections with this angular step size (over 360 degrees). |
-kernel 6,2 | Reciprocal space projection: kernel size and power. |
-elliptical 37,5.5 | Elliptical distortion: major axis angle and shift (pixels). |
-rescale -0.1,5.2 | Rescale data to average and standard deviation. |
-helix 25.3,67.1,2 | Symmetrize: Helical rise and angle, and dyad axis indicated by 2. |
(default 10 angstrom, 45 degrees, no dyad axis). | |
-rule 237.5,-2,7 | Symmetrize by selection rule: Helical repeat (angstrom), turns and subunits per repeat. |
-super 25.3,67.1,22,15.5 | Superhelix: Helical rise and angle, and offset in xy plane. |
-seam 1.5 | Symmetrize with the given subunit shift along the seam. |
-findrs 5,8,0.1,10,20,1 | Find helical parameters in real space: |
rise start, end and increment, rotation angle start, end and increment. | |
-findcc 10,22.4,1.5 | Find helical parameters by cross-correlation: |
rotation angle start, end and increment. | |
-segment 10,22.4,1.5,18 | Correlate helical segments: rotation angle start, |
end, increment and segment thickness. | |
-verbose 1 | Verbosity of output. |
-datatype u | Force writing of a new data type. |
-sampling 1.5,1.5,1.5 | Sampling (A/pixel; a single value can be given). |
-origin 110,50,44 | Origin for helix (default 0,0,0 or from image). |
-zlimits 8,47 | Range of slices along the helical axis to use (default 0,inf). |
-radius 22 | Radial limit for symmetrization and finding parameters (default from image). |
-resolution 15.6,200 | Resolution limits for projection and cross-correlation (default 0). |
-bin 2 | Binning for finding parameters (default 1). |
-Postscript file.ps | Postscript output file name. |