-verbose 7 | Verbosity of output. |
-datatype u | Force writing of a new data type. |
-sampling 2,3.5,1 | Sampling before rescaling (angstrom/voxel, a single value sets all three). |
-resolution 25,200 | Resolution limits (angstrom). |
-angle 2.5 | Angular increment (default 3 degrees). |
-origin 0.8,-10,15.7 | Set the origin (default from input image). |
-threshold 0.24 | Threshold to find correlation peaks. |
-exclusion 150 | Minimum distance between correlation peaks. |
-radius 50 | Mask radius (slightly bigger than particle). |
-reference file.pif | Input reference projections file. |
-output newmod.star | New model file. |