Bsoft program


Usage: bmgalign [options] []

Aligns micrographs within sets such as focal series specified in parameter files.


-align micAlignment type: par = particle coordinates, mic = micrograph images, fea = micrograph features.
-addAdd micrograph coordinates and particle origins (default not).
-filterextremesFilter micrograph extremes before aligning.


-verbose 7Verbosity of output.
-number 3Number of micrographs per field-of-view (default 1).
-fieldID dbgdSet the field ID (multiple micrographs will get numbered ID's).
-reference 2Reference micrograph in a series (default 1=first micrograph).
-datatype uForce writing of a new data type.
-sampling 1.5,1.5,1.5Sampling (A/pixel; a single value can be given).
-correlate 1024,1024,5Size of subimages for correlation (default 512,512,1, use with -align mic).
-resolution 900,300High and low resolution limits for bandpass (default 0.1,1000 angstrom).
-maxshift 55Maximum allowed shift (default 1/4 of tile).
-threshold -3.0Threshold used to pick features (in std dev units; default -3, use with -align fea).
-features 1,55Features type (1=mass, 2=area, 3=darkest pixel) and maximum number (default 1,unlimited).


-output file.starOutput parameter file.
-image file.pifOutput multi-image file with aligned images.


The set of input files reference a series of micrographs arranged in
fields-of-view where each field contains a focal pair or set. The program then
calculates for each set the alignment of all other micrographs with respect
to the reference micrograph (typically the further-from-focus micrograph),
and outputs a new STAR format file with the alignment parameters and particle
coordinates corresponding to the alignment. The alignment can be done in
three different ways:
1. Alignment by cross-correlation (recommended):
bmgalign -v 7 -reference 2 -align mic -correlate 300,300,1 -out
2. Alignment by feature extraction:
bmgalign -v 7 -ref 2 -resol 300,1000 -align fea -thresh -2.8 -out
3. Alignment using picked particle coordinates:
bmgalign -v 7 -ref 2 -align part -output
All input is derived from a STAR format parameter file.
A series (such as a focal pair) is assumed to be consecutive data blocks in the STAR file.
Orientational parameters are calculated so that applying them to the first
data set or image produces the others in the focal series.
Angles are given with positive counter-clockwise.

Bsoft version 2.0.7-20200917 (64 bit)

Generated by on Mon Oct 26 08:20:11 2020

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