| The set of input files reference a series of micrographs arranged in |
| fields-of-view where each field contains a focal pair or set. The program then |
| calculates for each set the alignment of all other micrographs with respect |
| to the reference micrograph (typically the further-from-focus micrograph), |
| and outputs a new STAR format file with the alignment parameters and particle |
| coordinates corresponding to the alignment. The alignment can be done in |
| three different ways: |
| 1. Alignment by cross-correlation (recommended): |
| bmgalign -v 7 -reference 2 -align mic -correlate 300,300,1 -out out.star input.star |
| 2. Alignment by feature extraction: |
| bmgalign -v 7 -ref 2 -resol 300,1000 -align fea -thresh -2.8 -out out.star input.star |
| 3. Alignment using picked particle coordinates: |
| bmgalign -v 7 -ref 2 -align part -output out.star input.star |
| |
| All input is derived from a STAR format parameter file. |
| A series (such as a focal pair) is assumed to be consecutive data blocks in the STAR file. |
| Orientational parameters are calculated so that applying them to the first |
| data set or image produces the others in the focal series. |
| Angles are given with positive counter-clockwise. |
| |