Bsoft program


Usage: bmgtransfer [options] []

Transfer pieces of information from input micrograph parameter files
to a master destination parameter file. Transfers are linked to field ID's and can occur in one of two ways: 1. From one source micrograph to all destination micrographs in the field. 2. From each source micrograph to the corresponding destination micrograph in the field.


-ctfReplace CTF parameters.
-particlesReplace particle parameters.
-originsReplace particle origins.


-verbose 7Verbosity of output.


-master destination.starMaster parameter file into which to merge information from other input files.


-output output.starOutput parameter file (required any time "-split" is used to indicate the type).
-split 3Split micrograph or reconstruction data blocks into individual files:
Argument: 1-6: number of digits inserted before extension
Argument: "id": micrograph ID's are used as file names (no -output required).
Argument: "field": field ID's are used as file names (no -output required).
-dump file.txtDump all the particle origins and views.

Bsoft version 2.0.7-20200917 (64 bit)

Generated by on Mon Oct 26 08:20:11 2020

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