Bsoft program


Usage: bmultimask [options] input.img output.img

Manipulates composite/level masks.
The input image is considered to have multiple integer levels (even for floating point).


-invertInvert mask before other operations.
-dilate 2Dilate mask a number of times.
-switch 3,6Switch two levels.
-color sizeGenerate a RGBA image (random/level/size).
-sizeConvert level mask to region size map.
-level 134Convert a mask to multiple levels, with the given voxels per level.
-bands 250,-1,150,1,30,0Banded mask for reciprocal space (pairs of numbers: angstrom,value).
Band with 0: Not used.
Band with 1: Use for orientation determination.
Band with -1: Use for cross-validation.
-collapseConvert a multi-level mask to a binary mask.
-interfaces 3Calculates interfaces for the indicated region (-1 gives whole matrix).
-merge 25,4Calculates a region interface matrix and deletes/merges
regions smaller than the given size and interface size.
-symmetry C5Set all symmetry-related segments to the same index.


-select 1,5-7Select levels in a multi-level mask.
-combine 1,5-7Combine levels to create a binary mask.
-voxel 23,241,193Select the level including this voxel.


-verbose 1Verbosity of output.
-datatype uForce writing of a new data type.
-sampling 1.5,1.5,1.5Sampling (A/pixel; a single value can be given).
-origin 110,50,44Origin for the mask (default from input image).

Parameters for model generation:

-componentradius 8.4Set display radius for all components.
-linkradius 5.1Set display radius for all links.


-Mask file.imgTemplate mask to select levels.


-Model model.starOutput model file.
-Postscript his.psOutput plot file of level size histogram.

Bsoft version 2.0.7-20200917 (64 bit)

Generated by on Mon Oct 26 08:20:11 2020

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