Bsoft program


Usage: bpartmulti [options] []

Selection and analysis of single particles from multiple parameter files.

Selects particles based on correlation coefficient values

returning the number of the input file with the best value.


-reconstructionsOperate on reconstruction parameters rather than micrographs.
-allReset selection to all particles before other selections (default not).
-setasu D3Set the views to the asymmetric unit.
-select varSelect based on: fom (FOM), err (error between first 2),
rmsd (RMSD between first 2), msd or var (variance).
-mergeMerge multiple files, keeping selected particle parameters.
-divide 3Divide the project into a number of subsets of fields.
-CompareCompare selections.
-StatisticsDo selection statistics.


-verbose 7Verbosity of output.
-symmetry D6Symmetry: Point group identifier.
-fom 0.2,2,1FOM cutoff, index and flag to weigh with defocus (default 0,0,0).
-Origin 1.2Origin deviation to accept (default 10 pixels).
-View 13.5View deviation to accept (default 180 degrees).
-Angle 5.8Rotation angle deviation to accept (default 180 degrees).
-Magnification 0.03Magnification deviation to accept (default 2).


-template input.starTemplate parameter file to merge in data blocks from other input files.


-output file.starOutput parameter file.

Bsoft version 2.0.7-20200917 (64 bit)

Generated by on Mon Oct 26 08:20:11 2020

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