-pick cc | Picking type: cc, var, ring, background (default none). |
-orient ref.pif | Orient using a reference map. |
High resolution and symmetry determine number of projections. | |
-center | Center each particle image (specify resolution limits). |
-axis 5,13.6 | Pick on a symmetry axis and distance along the axis (voxels, specify -symmetry). |
-extract 0.5 | Extract particles into new images at the given scale. |
-split | Split particles into individual files on extraction. |
-reconstructions | Operate on reconstruction parameters rather than micrographs. |
-project | Project 3D particles to 2D and assign to zero-tilt micrograph. |
-add | Adjust micrograph coordinates to particle origins. |
-filterextremes | Filter extremes before picking or centering. |
-background | Correct background of extracted particles. |
-normalize | Normalize extracted particles. |
-delete | Delete all non-selected particles. |
-verbose 7 | Verbosity of output. |
-sampling 1.5,1.5,1.5 | Sampling (A/pixel; a single value can be given). |
-origin 0.8,-10,15.7 | Set the origin (default from input image). |
-box 123,145,130 | Particle box size (voxels, one sets all). |
-resolution 23.5,200 | Resolution limits for picking and centering (default 0 - 1e6 angstrom). |
-fill 127 | Fill value for particles extending beyond image (default background). |
-mgpath dir/subdir | Set the micrograph file paths. |
-pspath dir/subdir | Set the power spectrum file paths. |
-partpath dir/subdir | Set the particle file paths. |
-base subvol | Set the particle base file name (no extension). |
-extension pif | Set the particle image file format. |
-average 11 | Averaging/smoothing kernel size. |
-exclusion 210 | Minimum distance between particles (default 0.8*x-size). |
-bin 2 | Binning to apply (default 1). |
-fom 0.1,0.8 | Selecting picked particles based on an FOM range (default 0,1e30). |
-variance 51 | Calculate a local variance image using the given size kernel. |
-sigma 2.5 | Sigma units above average to select particles (default 5). |
-maximum 241 | Maximum number of background areas to pick (default 1000000). |
-diameters 115,130 | Particle and background ring diameters. |
-contrast black | Foreground (particles) are white or black (default). |
-angle 2.5 | Angular increment (default 1 degree). |
-symmetry C5 | Point group symmetry (used with -orient and -axis). |
-Template file.map | Input template file for picking by cross-correlation. |
-Mask file.map | Input frequency space mask file. |
-compare file.star | Input parameter file for comparison. |
-output file.star | Output parameter file. |