Bsoft program


Usage: bproject [options] input.img output.img

Projects a 3D map and calculating comparison statistics of the projections.
If the input is a 2D image, it is assumed to be projections.


-axis y,2Project down a major axis (x, y, z).
and a flag for minimum (1) or maximum (2).
-kernel 6,2Reciprocal space projection: kernel size and power.
-average 7,5,3Averaging/smoothing filter before projection: kernel size.
-rescale -0.1,5.2Rescale data to average and standard deviation (after -truncate).
-View 0.3,-0.5,0.8,33View to generate symmetry-related projections.
-Tilt -65,72,2.5,55Tilt series of projections with angle min, max, step and axis angle.
-side 15Generate side view projections within the given angle from the equator.
-compare 0.02,15Compare projections, with the given SNR imposed and shift limit (default off).
-random 24Generate a number of random projections.
-asuChange to views to fit into the asymmetric unit.
-edgewidth 80Gaussian width of edge to background (default 0).


-verbose 7Verbosity of output.
-datatype uForce writing of a new data type.
-origin 10,-10,20Origin for rotation (voxels, default 0,0,0).
-sampling 2,3.5,1Sampling (angstrom/voxel, a single value sets all three).
-resolution 15.6,200High and low resolution limits (default 0,1e30).
-fill 127Fill value for resizing: average (default), background, or value.
-symmetry D6Symmetry: Point group identifier.
-angles 8,6Step sizes for theta and phi in the asymmetric unit, one value sets both.
-noinplanerotationNo in-plane rotations applied to projections (default applied).
-nonormalizationNo normalization applied to projections (default applied).
-unitcell10,23,77,90,90,90 Unit cell parameters.


-Plotviews plot.psOutput postscript file with a plot of projection vectors.
-json views.jsonOutput JSON file with views.
-Matrix cc.datProjection comparison matrix.
-Map cc.mapProjection comparison matrix in an image.

Bsoft version 2.0.7-20200917 (64 bit)

Generated by on Mon Oct 26 08:20:11 2020

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