-mode 1 | Symmetry mode: 0=during reconstruction (default), 1=after reconstruction, |
2=pick a random symmetry view for each particle. | |
-TwoD | Generate a 2D reconstruction (default 3D). |
-CTF flip | Apply CTF correction to images before reconstruction (default not). |
-rescale -0.1,5.2 | Rescale reconstruction to an average and standard deviation. |
-bootstrap | Use particle selection numbers to weigh their contributions. |
-filaments | Generate one map per filament. |
-classes 1,3-5 | Class selection: can be all, selected, or any combination of numbers (default selected). |
-fullmap | Output one full map per class (default if -halfmaps not used). |
-halfmaps | Output 2 maps from half sets. |
-threads 2 | Threads per class (default 1, must be even for -halfmaps). |
-verbose 7 | Verbosity of output. |
-datatype u | Force writing of a new data type. |
-size 100,120,90 | Size of reconstruction (default from images). |
-sampling 1.5 | Reconstruction sampling (A/pixel; default from first particle image). |
-scale 1.2 | Scale or magnification of reconstruction compared to original images (default 1). |
-resolution 20 | Resolution limit (angstrom, default Nyquist). |
-interpolation weighted | Interpolation type: nearest (default), weighted, trilinear. |
-pad 3 | Image padding factor (default 2). |
-symmetry D6 | Symmetry: Point group identifier |
-wiener 0.15 | Wiener factor for CTF correction (default 0.2). |
-reconstruction file.ext | Reconstruction file name. |
-fom file.ext | Figure-of-merit file name. |
-output file.star | Output parameter file name. |
-Postscript file.ps | Postscript output filename. |