Bsoft program


Usage: brefine [options] []

Refines the orientations of particle images with respect to a reference map.
Defocus refinement on non-CTF corrected images is turned on by the -defocus option.


-allReset selection to all particles before other selections (default not).
-symmetry C5Search for the best symmetry-related orientations.
-magnification 0.01Turns on magnification refinement: Maximum adjustment (default 0).
-defocus 0.002Turns on defocus refinement: Standard deviation for Monte Carlo,
Step size for grid search (default 0 um).

Actions for the type of refinement:

-monte 80Monte Carlo with a maximum number of iterations.
-grid 2.5,0.3Grid search with angular step size and accuracy (both in degrees).


-verbose 7Verbosity of output.
-select 14Selection number of particles to process (default all selected).
-fomtype dprResolution measurement type: frc (default), dpr.
-resolution 20,250High and low resolution limits (angstrom).
-kernel 11,3Interpolation kernel width and power (default 8,2)
-edge 125Edge mask radius using previous particle origins (default not used).
-nothreadsDo not use threads (default parallel processing).

Parameters only for Monte Carlo refinement:

-shift 0.4Random origin shift standard deviation (default 0.1 pixels).
-view 0.02Random view shift standard deviation (default 0.01).
-angle 0.7Random rotation angle maximum adjustment (default 0.5 degrees).

Parameters only for grid search:

-step 1.5,0.3Grid search shift step size and accuracy (default 0.4,0.1 pixels).


-reference file.extInput 3D reference map file.
-mask mask.mapReal space 2D mask to be applied to particles.
-FSC file.xmlFSC curve used to weigh FOM contributions.


-output file.starOutput parameter file.
-ppxWrite temporary particle parameter files to directory "ppx".

Bsoft version 2.0.7-20200917 (64 bit)

Generated by on Mon Oct 26 08:20:11 2020

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