Bsoft program


Usage: bseqaln [options] input.seq output.seq

Analyzes aligned protein sequences.
All sequence numbers and position numbers start at 1. Numbering is according to the input, including gaps.


-pairAlign a pair of sequences (first two in input file).
-nogapsStrip gaps from input sequences.
-consolidategapsRemove positions in alignment with only gaps.
-identityPairwise identity.
-similarity 0.5Pairwise similarity: threshold for counting similar residues (default 0.5).
-profileGenerate a profile from an alignment.
-informationInformation analysis.
-hydrophobicity 0.8Hydrophobicity analysis: representation threshold (fraction of # of seqs).


-select 3,0.85Select relative to a reference sequence and cutoff.
-length 128,435Select sequences within a length range.
-deleteDelete non-selected sequences.


-verbose 7Verbosity of output.
-gap 10,0.2Gap opening and extending penalties for alignment (default 20,0.2).
-segments 1-33,36-69Selection of sequence segments (default all).
Every pair of numbers indicate a segment to select.
-sequences 2,18Subset of sequences to compare (default all).
-window 17Window for moving averages (default 20).


-properties file.starProperty file (default = internal values).
-Similarity sim.starResidue similarity matrix (default


-Matrix file.matMatrix output filename.
-Image file.imgImage output filename.
-Postscript file.psPostscript output filename.

Bsoft version 2.0.7-20200917 (64 bit)

Generated by on Mon Oct 26 08:20:11 2020

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