-analyze | Analyze the polyhedron. |
-enantiomorph | Generate the enantiomorph of the polyhedron. |
-sequence 5566665566565 | Sequence of polygons to use in stead of permutations. |
-cone 14,30,25 | Polygons to generate for the tip, body and base of a cone. |
-lozenge 2,7 | Unit lengths for the top and body of a lozenge. |
-coffin 3,5,2 | Unit lengths for the top, body and base of a coffin. |
-verbose 7 | Verbosity of output. |
-vertices 36 | Number of vertices (default 20). |
-linklength 150 | Vertex separation (default 10 A). |
-requirements 0 | Polyhedron acceptance requirements (default 1 = strict). |
-parameters parm.star | Molecular parameter file (default atom_prop.star). |