Bsoft program


Usage: bsplit [options] input.img output.img

Splits multi-image files of the following formats:
Digital Instruments (di), Imagic (img), Image Magick (miff), PIF (pif) SPIDER (spi), TIFF (tif), RAW (raw). Files of single image 3D image formats can be split with the -images option.


-imagesInterpret slices of a single 3D image as 2D images.
-invertInvert density in the image.
-reslice -z+xyReslice = switch axes (default xyz).
-select 1,5-13,122Sub-images to select (first image = 0, default all).


-verbose 7Verbosity of output.
-datatype uForce writing of a new data type.
-first 5Number given to the first file (default 0).
-digits 3Number of digits inserted before the last period in the output file name.

Bsoft version 2.0.7-20200917 (64 bit)

Generated by on Mon Oct 26 08:20:11 2020

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