Bsoft program


Usage: bsym [options] in.img out.img

Analyzes for and applies point group symmetry to images.
Generates symmetry axes for point group symmetries.


-invertInvert density in the image.
-rescale -0.1,5.2Rescale symmetrized data to average and standard deviation.
-axis 3,1Rotate to desired axis, with flag for alternate (requires -symmetry).
-handedness 1.4Check handedness above threshold (density is positive).
-check C,D,ICheck symmetry in correctly oriented map.
-find 1.5,2,1Find orientation: angle step, binning, and
flag to skip major axis (use with -symmetry).
-change C5,C6Change point group symmetry.
-ViewsOutput all symmetry-related views, (filename: out_??.img).
-asu 3Output a single or multi-level mask of asymmetric units (use with -symmetry).
> 0, generate the corresponding asymetric unit.
== 0, generate all asymetric units.
-edge ovalApply an edge smoothing of the indicated type.
-replicateReplicate the asymmetric unit (use with -symmetry).
-nonormDo not normalize after symmetrization (use with -symmetry).
-showShow operational symmetry matrices (use with -symmetry).
-pdbShow PDB symmetry matrices (use with -symmetry).


-verbose 7Verbosity of output.
-datatype fForce writing of a new image data type.
-origin 0,22.5,30Set the origin for rotation.
-reference 0,1.5,-0.2,35Reference symmetry axis and rotation angle (default 0,0,1,0).
-resolution 15.6,200Resolution limits for cross-correlation (default 0).
-symmetry C5Point group symmetry.
-fill 0.02Fill value (default image background).
-radius 34.5,1.2Radius in voxels of repeats for changing symmetry.
and slope along z to adjust the radius.


-Template temp.pifTemplate to find symmetry equivalent.
-mask mask.mrcMask (must be the same size as the template).


-Parameters out.starOutput STAR file with symmetry axes and orders.

Bsoft version 2.0.7-20200917 (64 bit)

Generated by on Mon Oct 26 08:20:12 2020

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