Bsoft program


Usage: btomo [options] []

Manipulates parameter files for tilt series and aligns them by cross-correlation.


-allSelect all markers.
-updatematrixUpdate micrograph matrices from tilt and axis angles.
-resetmodelReset the x and y coordinates to that of the zero-degree tilt image.
-checkmarkersDetermine if markers all fall within micrograph boundaries.
-deselect 5-9,33Deselect markers by id from all micrographs and models.
-deletemarkers 5-9,33Delete markers by id from all micrographs and models.
-rotationaxisDetermine the best rotation axis from refined markers.
-clear 240,7.5Clear extraneous areas on micrographs with this intended reconstruction thickness
and smoothing edge width (default 5).
-removemarkers 14Mask out markers with this radius (pixels) before transformation.
-thickness 234Calculate mean free path from a given thickness (in angstrom).
-lambda 2650Calculate thickness from proportionality coefficient (in angstrom).
-catenateConcatenate separate micrograph image files into one file.


-verbose 7Verbosity of output.
-datatype uForce writing of a new data type.
-sampling 1.5,1.5,1.5Sampling (A/pixel; a single value can be given).
-origin 110,50,44Origin for tilt axis (default 0,0,0).
-axis 74.7Tilt axis angle relative to x-axis (default 0 or from parameter file).
-tilt -65,1.5Tilt series start and step size (default from parameter file).
-reference 48Reference image for alignment (default closest to zero tilt).
-goldradius 12Gold particle radius (default from parameter file).


-rawtlt series.rawtltText file with tilt angles.


-output file.starOutput parameter file.
-image file.pifOutput multi-image file with aligned images.
-Postscript inten.psPostscript file with fit of tilt series intensities.

Bsoft version 2.0.7-20200917 (64 bit)

Generated by on Mon Oct 26 08:20:12 2020

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