Bsoft program


Usage: btompart [options] []

Averages reconstructions or subvolumes of reconstructions based on
the selection in parameter files.


-addAdjust micrograph coordinates to particle origins.
-zflipInvert the particle z coordinate before transfer.
-transfer mgCalculate micrograph particle coordinates from micrograph (mg) or reconstruction (rec).
-reconstructReconstruct individual particles from micrographs.
-removemarkers 14Mask out markers with this radius (pixels) before reconstruction.
-nloo 34.7,0.3Determine particle resolution up to the given limit and with the given cutoff.


-verbose 7Verbosity of output.
-sampling 1.5,1.5,1.5Sampling (A/pixel; default from parameter file; a single value can be given).
-viewsUse particle views during transfer.
-boxsize 55Set the particle box size (default from parameter file).

Parameters for particle reconstruction:

-maxresolution 20Reconstruction resolution limit (angstrom, default Nyquist).
-interpolation weightedInterpolation type: nearest (default), weighted, trilinear.
-pad 3Image padding factor (default 2).
-CTF flipApply CTF correction to images before reconstruction (default not).
-wiener 0.15Wiener factor for CTF correction (default 0.2).
-symmetry C5Point group symmetry.
-base subvolSet the particle base file name (no extension).
-path dir/subdirSet the particle file paths.
-extension pifSet the particle image file format.

Parameters for particle resolution estimation:

-ratio 2.5Radial sampling to Cartesian sampling ratio (default 1).
-fast 10Fast mode, only use micrographs within the given angle from the selected one (default all).


-output file.starOutput parameter file.
-Postscript file.psOutput plot file.

Bsoft version 2.0.7-20200917 (64 bit)

Generated by on Mon Oct 26 08:20:12 2020

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