Bsoft program


Usage: btomrec [options] []

Reconstructs a tomogram from an aligned tilt series in Fourier space.
Requires large amounts of disk space.


-removemarkers 14Mask out markers with this radius (pixels) before reconstruction.
-rescale -0.1,5.2Rescale data to average and standard deviation.
-slab 25,40Reconstruct a slab of these slices (default all).
-transform 2DBack transform reconstruction: none (default), full, slices.


-verbose 7Verbosity of output.
-datatype uForce writing of a new data type.
-sampling 1.5,1.5,1.5Sampling of input images (A/pixel; a single value can be given).
-resolution 20Resolution limit (angstrom, default Nyquist).
-scale 1.2Scale or magnification of reconstruction compared to original images (default 1).
-size 100,120,90Size of reconstruction (default from images).
-interpolation weightedInterpolation type: nearest (default), weighted, trilinear.
-pad 3Image padding factor (default 2).
-edge 15An edge smoothing width (default 0).
-fill 127Fill value for erasing/painting markers (default average).
-CTF flipApply CTF correction to images before reconstruction (default not).
-wiener 0.15Wiener factor for CTF correction (default 0.2).


-reconstruction file.extReconstruction file name.
-output file.starOutput STAR file name.

Bsoft version 2.0.7-20200917 (64 bit)

Generated by on Mon Oct 26 08:20:12 2020

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