Bsoft program


Usage: bxb [options] [ ...]

Extracting a part of a density map and building a new map based on a model.
Component orientational and positional refinement can be done as: 1. random modifications over the specified iterations, 2. a contracting grid search when the steps and accuracy are specified.


-setviews localCalculate views for components. Modes: origin: current origin,
com: center-of-mass origin, map: map origin, local: neigbor plane.
-invertInvert views for selected components.
-linklength 58.4Reference link length to generate links (angstrom, default 1).
-type componentType of element: component (default) or link.
-extract 80,50,30Extract a part of the density with the given size.
-build 200,250,150Build a new map of the given size.
-refine template.mapRefine the positions by cross-correlation.
-average 2Average extracted densities: averages per type (use with -extract).
-componenttype A,VerNames to assign to component types in the template file.


-allReset selection to all models and components before other selections.
-select #Mod1@14Select models and components.
-linkselect 2Link selection for building a new map (first = 1, default all).
-fom 0.25Select: FOM cutoff.


-verbose 7Verbose output.
-datatype uForce writing of a new data type.

Parameters for building:

-sampling 1.5,1.5,1.5Sampling (A/pixel; a single value can be given).
-origin 0.8,-10,15.7Set the origin for extracted or built map
(origins for extract and build cannot be used together).
-weighWeigh by contributions when building a new map (default not).
-separateSeparate maps for each component type (default one map).
Common refinement parameters:
-resolution 4.5,130Resolution range for cross-correlation (default 0 - 1e6 angstrom).
-shift 2.3Maximum shift allowed per iteration (angstrom, default 10% map width).
-viewangle 1.4Maximum rotation angle of view vector allowed per iteration (default 0 degrees).
-rotationangle 3.5Maximum rotation angle around view vector allowed per iteration (default 0 degrees).
-normalFlag to shift only along the component view vector.
-lateralFlag to shift only perpendicular to the component view vector.

Parameters for random refinement:

-iterations 80Maximum number of refining iterations (default 0 - only positional refinement).

Parameters for grid refinement:

-viewstep 2.5Angular steps in 2 view directions (default 0 degrees).
-rotationstep 1.3Angular step around view (default 0 degrees).
-accuracy 0.7Angular refinement accuracy (default 0.5 degrees).

Output image parameters:

-rescale -0.1,5.2Rescale data to average and standard deviation.


-parameters param.starInput parameter file.
-map file.mapInput map file.
-mask mask.mrcReal space mask to be applied to template and subvolumes.
-Mask mask.mrcMask for cross-correlation during refinement.


-output file.starOutput model parameter file.
-construct file.pifConstructed map file.
-std file.pifStandard deviation map file.

Bsoft version 2.0.7-20200917 (64 bit)

Generated by on Mon Oct 26 08:20:12 2020

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