Bsoft program


Usage: dhand [options] []

Compares projections of two oppositely handed reconstructions to images
of tilted specimens. The orientation of the second view is predicted from the first view's orientation and from the tilt-axis direction and the rotation angle. For particles from the two views, output selection values are set to 1 (hand A), 2 (hand B), or 0 (unassigned, FOM < min. value or |FOMA-FOMB| < min. acceptable difference). Particles with input selection values of zero are ignored unless option '-all' is used.


-difference 1Compute |difference| between measured (input) and predicted
orientations, 0=do not (default), 1=pred. orient. and avg
|difference|, 2=#1 + individual values.
-org2 crossGet particle origins of second view by cross-correlation
with projections of predicted view (cross), from image
files (image), or from parameter files (param, default).
-selconsistSets selection values in unused micrographs to be consistent
with those in views 1 and 2.


-verbose 1Verbosity of output.
-allInclude all particles (default sel>0).
-numberperfield 3Number of micrographs per field-of-view (default 1).
-fieldID dbgdSet the field ID (multiple micrographs will get numbered ID's).
-axis 74.7Tilt axis angle relative to x-axis (default from parameter file).
-origin 50,5.3,50.4Set the x,y,z origin of 3D map, in pixel units.
-mindiff 0.05minimum acceptable |difference| between hand A & B
correlation coefficients, default = 0.050.
-minfom 0.1min. acceptable value for FOM of correct hand, default=0.
-radii 5,65Radial limits (in pixels), default = all radii.
-resolution 100,17Resolution limits in angs. (low,high), default = 400,20.
-sampling 2.54x,y,z pixel sampling (input map and all micrographs).

Parameters for selecting first and second views (use mgsel or both mg1 & mg2):

-mgsel angle,0,-5.0Criterion, value for first view, value for second view
-mg1 index,1Micrograph in each set that is the first view
-mg2 angle,-5.0Micrograph in each set that is the second view
angle,a (tilt angle)
index,n (index within a series, beginning with 1)
near,n (nth nearest-to-focus, beginning with 1)
far,n (nth farthest-from-focus, beginning with 1)


-map input.imgReference map.


-output output.starOutputs data in STAR format to
-outprj output.imgOutputs projections to output_field#_img#_imgID.img

Bsoft version 2.0.7-20200917 (64 bit)

Generated by on Mon Oct 26 08:20:12 2020

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