Bsoft program


Usage: dmerge [options] []

Merges corresponding single particle images in a series.
The images can be aligned according to their origin values and the in-plane rotational angle (of the micrograph). You may use the index number of a micrograph in a series, a relative focus level, or an in-plane rotation angle of the micrograph to select a reference micrograph--the one to which the others are aligned. The default is to use the closest-to-focus micrograph in each field-of-view. The default is to use origins from parameter file(s), while origins may also be determined by cross-correlation or obtained from particle image files. Default image output is to one file for every field named '[reference_particle_file_prefix]_merged.img'.


-unmerge merged.starUn-merge, corresponding particles in field get orientations,
figure-of-merit (FOM), and selection from '',
micrograph rotation angle is accounted for


-verbose 7Verbosity of screen output, default = 0 (none)
-sampling 1.5Global sampling (angstrom/pixel)

Parameters for merging:

-origins crossGet particle origins from parameter files (param, default),
by cross-correlation (cross), from image files (image),
or no alignment (none)
-reference nearReference micrograph: near, nearest-to-focus; far, farthest-from-focus;
index,1, micrograph index; or angle,0, micrograph rotation angle
Note: the index option assumes micrographs were entered
into the parameter file(s) in consistent order

Parameters for unmerging:

-keeporient 0.1Keep orientation, FOM, & selection if FOM difference >= this value


-output file.starOutput parameter file
-summed output.imgWrite summed images to output*.img (* = _micrograph_ids), but only
if micrograph_ids are <= 6 characters, if not default name is used

Bsoft version 2.0.7-20200917 (64 bit)

Generated by on Mon Oct 26 08:20:12 2020

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