Fan example

The program bctf can be run in different ways:

Flipping phases

Phase flipping only involves a change of sign, and therefore the operation is a toggle, so that flipping the phases twice with the same parameters recover the original image:

bctf -verbose 7 -action flip -Defocus 0.9 fan.jpg fan_flip.jpg

bctf -verbose 7 -action flip -Defocus 0.9 fan_flip.jpg fan_flip2.jpg

-verbose 7    Verbosity: The amount of information printed to the shell.
-action flip   Sets the "mode" to flipping phases.
-Defocus 0.9   Up to three input values: defocus minimum, defocus maximum and the astigmatism angle.  Giving only the first value implies that there is no astigmatism.

The 3 images: fan.jpg, fan_flip.jpg and fan_flip2.jpg

A fan-like radiation of black and white panels gives a spectrum of frequencies. Flipping the phases inverts contrast at certain annuli which can be recovered by a second flipping.

Applying a CTF

bctf -verbose 7 -action apply -Defocus 0.9 fan.jpg fan_apply.jpg

New option:

-action apply   Sets the "mode" to multiplication with the CTF.

The input and output: fan.jpg and fan_apply.jpg

Correction for the CTF

The correction for the CTF involves a division which means that small values near the nodes of the CTF will amplify any noise in those amplitudes to unacceptable values: The correction therefore uses a wiener factor to substitute for these small values:

bctf -verbose 7 -action correct -Defocus 0.9 -wiener 0.1 fan_apply.jpg fan_correct.jpg

New option:

-wiener 0.1    Sets the wiener factor (a value between 0.001 and 1).

The input and output: fan_apply.jpg and fan_correct.jpg