Single Particle Analysis: CTF determination
1. Automated CTF fitting and generating parameter files:
An automated CTF fitting can be run on all the micrographs,
generating a power spectrum image file for each. The resultant
fits need to be checked and refined in bshow:
bctf -v 7 -datatype float -action prepfit -sampling 2.2 -out
2. CTF fitting in bshow
2.1 Setup
Depending on the option chosen in the previous section, start in the
following way:
3.1.1. Existing parameter file for the micrograph:
Open the micrograph parameter file in
bshow &
Select the micrograph image to open. Then calculate the power spectrum
(see below).
3.1.2. Using bshow directly:
Open the micrograph file in
Then calculate the power spectrum (see below).
3.1.3. Existing parameter file and calculated power spectrum:
The power spectrum is already calculated and an initial fit done.
Open the micrograph parameter file in
Select the power spectrum to open.
3.2. Calculating the power spectrum
The micrograph image is opened in
bshow, and the power spectrum is
calculated (menu item “Image/Power spectrum”). The power spectrum can
be calculated in different ways, but for fitting the CTF the best is to
calculate tiles, and to average these to obtain a good estimate of the
power spectrum
(don’t calculate the logarithm of the power spectrum, as
this would not allow an accurate baseline to be fitted). The default
size for the tiles is typically sufficient, although smaller tiles will
give a better estimate of the power spectrum with a decrease in the
sampling of the radial power spectrum. The power spectrum can be saved
for future reference (menu item "File/Save").
3.3. Fitting the CTF
Once the power spectrum is calculated, the CTF can be fitted in
(menu item “Micrograph/Fit CTF”). After setting the accelerating
voltage, Cs (typically 2 mm ) and amplitude contribution (typically 0.2
for negative stain and 0.07 for vitrous ice) to the correct values, the
fit button provides for a fast initial attempt to fit the radial power
spectrum. If it does not give a reasonable initial fit, the user can
manipulate the defocus until the first zero agrees with the first
minimum in the radial power spectrum. The fit can be refined by
successively going through the three buttons for baseline, envelope and
defocus, each controlling only one aspect of the fit at a time. Once a
good fit is obtained, the astigmatism button allows for an estimation
of the astigmatism, only modifying the defocus deviation and
astigmatism angle. The radial power spectrum is adjusted for
astigmatism. At every stage, the user has full control over the fit and
can improve it by hand. The extent to which the fitted CTF curve agrees
with the radial power spectrum, gives the information limit. In other
words, the point at which the last zero agrees with an apparent minimum
in the radial power spectrum, gives the approximate maximum resolution
with significant information above the background noise. This measure
can be used to eliminate bad micrographs from further processing.