This module contains the subclasses of :class:`Entity` which are used
in representing the models contained in the `MDB <https://github.com/CBIIT/bento-mdf>`_.
import sys
from copy import deepcopy
from bento_meta.entity import Entity
# from pdb import set_trace
[docs]def mergespec(clsname, attspec, mapspec):
"""Merge subclass attribute and mapping specification dicts with the
base class's. Not for human consumption.
spec = deepcopy(attspec)
mo = deepcopy(Entity.mapspec_)
if "label" in mapspec:
mo["label"] = mapspec["label"]
if "key" in mapspec:
mo["key"] = mapspec["key"]
if "property" in mapspec:
if "relationship" in mapspec:
mo["relationship"]["_next"]["end_cls"] = {clsname}
mo["relationship"]["_prev"]["end_cls"] = {clsname}
return (spec, mo)
[docs]class Node(Entity):
"""Subclass that models a data node."""
attspec_ = {
"handle": "simple",
"model": "simple",
"nanoid": "simple",
"concept": "object",
"props": "collection",
mapspec_ = {
"label": "node",
"key": "handle",
"property": {"handle": "handle", "model": "model", "nanoid": "nanoid"},
"relationship": {
"concept": {"rel": ":has_concept>", "end_cls": "Concept"},
"props": {"rel": ":has_property>", "end_cls": "Property"},
"tags": {"rel": ":has_tag>", "end_cls":"Tag"}
(attspec, _mapspec) = mergespec("Node", attspec_, mapspec_)
def __init__(self, init=None):
[docs]class Property(Entity):
"""Subclass that models a property of a node or relationship (edge)."""
pvt_attr = Entity.pvt_attr + ["value_types"]
attspec_ = {
"handle": "simple",
"model": "simple",
"nanoid": "simple",
"value_domain": "simple",
"units": "simple",
"pattern": "simple",
"item_domain": "simple",
"is_required": "simple",
"concept": "object",
"value_set": "object",
mapspec_ = {
"label": "property",
"key": "handle",
"property": {
"handle": "handle",
"model": "model",
"nanoid": "nanoid",
"value_domain": "value_domain",
"pattern": "pattern",
"units": "units",
"item_domain": "item_domain",
"is_required": "is_required",
"relationship": {
"concept": {"rel": ":has_concept>", "end_cls": "Concept"},
"value_set": {"rel": ":has_value_set>", "end_cls": "ValueSet"},
"tags": {"rel": ":has_tag>", "end_cls":"Tag"}
(attspec, _mapspec) = mergespec("Property", attspec_, mapspec_)
defaults = { "value_domain":"TBD" }
def __init__(self, init=None):
self.value_types = []
def terms(self):
"""If the `Property` has a ``value_set`` domain, return the `Term` objects
of its `ValueSet`"""
if self.value_set:
return self.value_set.terms
return None
def values(self):
"""If the `Property` as a ``value_set`` domain, return its term values as a list of str.
:return: list of term values
:rtype: list
if self.value_set:
return [self.terms[x].value for x in self.terms]
[docs]class Edge(Entity):
"""Subclass that models a relationship between model nodes."""
defaults = {
"multiplicity": "many_to_many",
attspec_ = {
"handle": "simple",
"model": "simple",
"nanoid": "simple",
"multiplicity": "simple",
"is_required": "simple",
"src": "object",
"dst": "object",
"concept": "object",
"props": "collection",
mapspec_ = {
"label": "relationship",
"key": "handle",
"property": {
"handle": "handle",
"model": "model",
"nanoid": "nanoid",
"multiplicity": "multiplicity",
"is_required": "is_required",
"relationship": {
"src": {"rel": ":has_src>", "end_cls": "Node"},
"dst": {"rel": ":has_dst>", "end_cls": "Node"},
"concept": {"rel": ":has_concept>", "end_cls": "Concept"},
"props": {"rel": ":has_property>", "end_cls": "Property"},
"tags": {"rel": ":has_tag>", "end_cls":"Tag"}
(attspec, _mapspec) = mergespec("Edge", attspec_, mapspec_)
def __init__(self, init=None):
def triplet(self):
"""A 3-tuple that fully qualifies the edge: ``(edge.handle, src.handle, dst.handle)``
``src`` and ``dst`` attributes must be set.
if self.handle and self.src and self.dst:
return (self.handle, self.src.handle, self.dst.handle)
[docs]class Term(Entity):
"""Subclass that models a term from a terminology."""
attspec_ = {
"handle": "simple",
"value": "simple",
"nanoid": "simple",
"origin_id": "simple",
"origin_version": "simple",
"origin_definition": "simple",
"origin_name": "simple",
"concept": "object",
"origin": "object",
mapspec_ = {
"label": "term",
# note using 'value' as the key in terms collections may break silently
# if the terms are coming from different origins, but use the same
# value (string representation in data) - i.e., value is not necessarily
# unique - should be the nanoid of the term.
"key": "value",
"property": {
"handle": "handle",
"value": "value",
"nanoid": "nanoid",
"origin_id": "origin_id",
"origin_version": "origin_version",
"origin_definition": "origin_definition",
"origin_name": "origin_name",
"relationship": {
"concept": {"rel": ":represents>", "end_cls": "Concept"},
"origin": {"rel": ":has_origin>", "end_cls": "Origin"},
"tags": {"rel": ":has_tag>", "end_cls":"Tag"}
(attspec, _mapspec) = mergespec("Term", attspec_, mapspec_)
def __init__(self, init=None):
# for ValueSet - updating terms prop should dirty the connected Property
# (from Bento::Meta), signal need to refresh. Engineer so this happens
# here (__setattr__ override), not in Entity
[docs]class ValueSet(Entity):
"""Subclass that models an enumerated set of :class:`Property` values.
Essentially a container for :class:`Term` instances.
attspec_ = {
"handle": "simple",
"nanoid": "simple",
"url": "simple",
"prop": "object",
"origin": "object",
"terms": "collection",
mapspec_ = {
"label": "value_set",
"property": {"handle": "handle", "url": "url", "nanoid": "nanoid",},
"relationship": {
"prop": {"rel": "<:has_value_set", "end_cls": "Property"},
"terms": {"rel": ":has_term>", "end_cls": "Term"},
"origin": {"rel": ":has_origin>", "end_cls": "Origin"},
"tags": {"rel": ":has_tag>", "end_cls":"Tag"}
(attspec, _mapspec) = mergespec("ValueSet", attspec_, mapspec_)
def __init__(self, init=None):
# @property
# def dirty(self):
# return self.pvt.dirty
# @dirty.setter
# def dirty(self, value):
# print("Dirty, dirty value set!")
# self.pvt.dirty = value
# if self.prop and value != 0:
# self.prop.dirty=1
[docs] def __setattr__(self, name, value):
super().__setattr__(name, value)
if name == "dirty":
if self.prop and value != 0:
self.prop.dirty = 1
[docs]class Concept(Entity):
"""Subclass that models a semantic concept."""
attspec_ = {"terms": "collection"}
mapspec_ = {
"label": "concept",
"relationship": {
"terms": {"rel": "<:represents", "end_cls": "Term"},
"tags": {"rel": ":has_tag>", "end_cls":"Tag"}
(attspec, _mapspec) = mergespec("Concept", attspec_, mapspec_)
def __init__(self, init=None):
[docs]class Predicate(Entity):
"""Subclass that models a semantic link between concepts."""
attspec_ = {
"handle": "simple",
"subject": "object",
"object": "object"}
mapspec_ = {
"label": "predicate",
"key": "handle",
"property": {
"handle": "handle",
"relationship": {
"subject": {"rel": ":has_subject>", "end_cls": "Concept"},
"object": {"rel": ":has_object>", "end_cls": "Concept"},
"tags": {"rel": ":has_tag>", "end_cls":"Tag"}
(attspec, _mapspec) = mergespec("Predicate", attspec_, mapspec_)
def __init__(self, init=None):
[docs]class Origin(Entity):
"""Subclass that models a :class:`Term` 's authoritative source."""
attspec_ = {"url": "simple", "is_external": "simple", "name": "simple", "nanoid": "simple",}
mapspec_ = {
"label": "origin",
"key": "name",
"property": {
"name": "name",
"url": "url",
"is_external": "is_external",
"nanoid": "nanoid",
"relationship": {
"tags": {"rel": ":has_tag>", "end_cls":"Tag"}
(attspec, _mapspec) = mergespec("Origin", attspec_, mapspec_)
def __init__(self, init=None):
[docs]class Tag(Entity):
"""Subclass that allows simple key-value tagging of a model at arbitrary points."""
attspec_ = {"key":"simple", "value": "simple"}
mapspec_ = {
"label": "tag",
"key": "key",
"property": {"key": "key", "value": "value"},
(attspec, _mapspec) = mergespec("Tag", attspec_, mapspec_)
def __init__(self, init=None):