bento_meta and MDF ================== Model Description Files _______________________ `Model description files `_, or MDF, are simple descriptions of a graph data model, usually written in `YAML `_. They are organized in terms of sections defined by the top-level keys ``Nodes``, ``Relationships``, and ``PropDefinitions``. They describe the graph nodes and relationships belonging to a model, the properties associated with each. The MDF details and documents: * the "local" or internal names for each of these entities, * the node types that are allowed as the source and destination for each relationship, * detailed attributes that may be associated with any of these entities, for example: * the data types or enumerated values that are valid for a given property * whether a particular relationship or property is required to be present, for data to be valid * the cardinality (one-to-one, one-to-many, etc.) that is valid for a given relationship. Examples of valid MDF are available for the `Integrated Canine Data Commons `_ and the `Clinical Trials Data Commons `_ models. The MDF syntax is described `here in detail `_. This syntax is defined by and can be validated against a `JSONSchema `_ document. This document lives `here `_. Slurping MDF into bento_meta ____________________________ MDF functionality for bento_meta is included in the ``bento_mdf`` package, found at ``. The latest version can be installed as follows:: $ pip install bento_mdf@git+\&subdirectory=drivers/python Create a :class:`bento_meta.model.Model` from MDF files as follows:: from bento_mdf.mdf import MDF mdf = MDF('model.yml','model-props.yml', handle="test") model = mdf.model The model object can be used and modified as discussed in :ref:`the_object_model`. No database connection is necessary. Note that the MDF can be spread out over multiple YAML files. Typically, the nodes and relationships are defined in one file, and the properties in a separate files. `MDF` merges the files provided according to `the spec `_. ``handle=`` is a keyword-only argument that must be provided, which sets the name (a.k.a. handle) for the model. This is used, for example, in setting the `Entity.model` attribute for the model objects. It enables pushing and pulling a model to and from a Neo4j database in a single call. URLs that resolve to MDF files can also be used. To load the latest CTDC model, for example:: >>> from bento_mdf.mdf import MDF >>> mdf = MDF('', >>> '', >>> handle='CTDC') >>> ctdc_model = mdf.model >>> [x for x in mdf.model.nodes] ['case', 'specimen', 'metastatic_site', 'nucleic_acid', 'ihc_assay_report', 'sequencing_assay', 'variant_report', 'file', 'snv_variant', 'delins_variant', 'indel_variant', 'copy_number_variant', 'gene_fusion_variant', 'assignment_report', 'disease_eligibility_criterion', 'drug_eligibility_criterion', 'arm', 'clinical_trial'] >>> [x for x in mdf.model.nodes['case'].props] ['show_node', 'case_id', 'source_id', 'gender', 'race', 'ethnicity', 'patient_status', 'current_step', 'disease', 'ctep_category', 'ctep_subcategory', 'meddra_code', 'prior_drugs', 'extent_of_disease', 'ecog_performance_status'] Squirting a Model into MDF YAML _______________________________ The :meth:`MDF.write_mdf` returns a MDF-structured dictionary for a :class:`Model` object, and optionally writes a YAML file encoding this dictionary:: mdf_dict = MDF.write_mdf(model=your_model) # write to file MDF.write_mdf(model=your_model, file=open("your_mdf.yaml", "w")) The MDF will be written as a single file. Property definitions, for example, will be included with everything else.