: Public Class
Created: 7/23/2012 4:18:14 PM
Modified: 8/10/2018 11:37:01 AM
DEFINITION:<br/>The completed act of processing a material.<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/>freezing, thawing, spinning, embedding, dividing, aliquot, adding additives or growth factors<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/>product manipulation<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>Material process may be performed on any kind of material, such as a specimen, nanomaterial, or biologic. The result of the process may a similar or different kind of material, for instance a specimen may be the result of a specimen processing step (e.g., aliquot or division of a specimen), or alternatively a blood product has anticoagulants added to it to preserve the product. Other processing steps, such as adding growth factor to induce cell growth, may be performed on the blood product.<br/><br/>Note that PerformedMaterialProcessStep inherits two associations that perhaps should be mutually exclusive - 1) the association between a PerformedProcedure and a Product that it uses, and 2) the association between an Activity and an ExperimentalActivityItem that it uses.  <br/>Question for SMEs:  Should this be made a constraint on this class, or even on a higher level superclass?<br/>
Public BL
Map:HCTv1.0=CDE 2786645:Occurrences.Is the thawing begin time standard time or daylight savings time?
Map:HCTv1.0=CDE 2786665:Occurrences.Is the thawing end time standard time or daylight savings time?
Notes: DEFINITION:<br/>Specifies whether the time of the process step is specified using standard (as opposed to daylight savings) time.<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>If the location and date are known, this data is derivable.<br/>
Element Source Role Target Role
Name: producedMaterial
Name: producingPerformedMaterialProcessStep
DESCRIPTION:<br/>Each Material might have been produced by one PerformedMaterialProcessStep. Each PerformedMaterialProcessStep might have produced one or more Material.<br/><br/>DEFINITION:<br/>Indicates that material was produced by a process step.<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/>A blood product has anticoagulants added to it to preserve the product<br/>A blood product has growth factor added to it to induce cell growth<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):  <br/>
Tag Value
Map:APSRv2.1 SB: Procedure Steps Section - hl7:ClinicalDocument > hl7:component > hl7:structuredBody > hl7:component [Proc Steps] > hl7:section > hl7:entry > hl7:procedure > hl7:entryRelationship [Spec Proc Step] > hl7:procedure [see previous hl7:procedure]
Map:LSDAMv2.2.3Plus PerformedSpecimenThaw
Map:LSDAMv2.2.3Plus PerformedSpecimenSpun
Map:LSDAMv2.2.3Plus PerformedSpecimenFrozen
Map:LSDAMv2.2.3Plus PerformedSpecimenFixed
Map:LSDAMv2.2.3Plus PerformedSpecimenEmbedded.embeddingMediumType
Map:LSDAMv2.2.3Plus PerformedSpecimenEmbedded
Map:LSDAMv2.2.3Plus PerformedMaterialProcessStep
Constraint Type Status
be participated in by Qualifier Invariant Approved
Associations from Subject (including StudySubject) and ExperimentalUnit are valid for Specimen, Product and ProductGroup, not for BiologicEntity, BiologicEntityPart, BiologicEntityGroup, HealthcareFacility or Organization.<br/>
Object Type Connection Direction Notes
PerformedProcedure Class Generalization To DESCRIPTION: Each PerformedMaterialProcessStep always specializes one PerformedProcedure. Each PerformedProcedure might be specialized by one PerformedMaterialProcessStep. DEFINITION: EXAMPLE(S): OTHER NAME(S): NOTE(S):