: Public Class
DEFINITION:<br/>The completed act of processing a material.<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/>freezing, thawing, spinning, embedding, dividing, aliquot, adding additives or growth factors<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/>product manipulation<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>Material process may be performed on any kind of material, such as a specimen, nanomaterial, or biologic. The result of the process may a similar or different kind of material, for instance a specimen may be the result of a specimen processing step (e.g., aliquot or division of a specimen), or alternatively a blood product has anticoagulants added to it to preserve the product. Other processing steps, such as adding growth factor to induce cell growth, may be performed on the blood product.<br/><br/>Note that PerformedMaterialProcessStep inherits two associations that perhaps should be mutually exclusive - 1) the association between a PerformedProcedure and a Product that it uses, and 2) the association between an Activity and an ExperimentalActivityItem that it uses. <br/>Question for SMEs: Should this be made a constraint on this class, or even on a higher level superclass?<br/>
- Attributes
- Associations From
- Tagged Values
- Constraints
- Other Links
Attribute |
Public BL standardTimeIndicator
Alias: |
Initial: |
Stereotype: |
Ordered: |
Range: |
Range:0 to 1 |
Transient: |
False |
Derived: |
False |
IsID: |
False |
Map:HCTv1.0=CDE 2786645:Occurrences.Is the thawing begin time standard time or daylight savings time? Map:HCTv1.0=CDE 2786665:Occurrences.Is the thawing end time standard time or daylight savings time?
DEFINITION:<br/>Specifies whether the time of the process step is specified using standard (as opposed to daylight savings) time.<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>If the location and date are known, this data is derivable.<br/>
Element |
Source Role |
Target Role |
Name: producedMaterial
Name: producingPerformedMaterialProcessStep
DESCRIPTION:<br/>Each Material might have been produced by one PerformedMaterialProcessStep. Each PerformedMaterialProcessStep might have produced one or more Material.<br/><br/>DEFINITION:<br/>Indicates that material was produced by a process step.<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/>A blood product has anticoagulants added to it to preserve the product<br/>A blood product has growth factor added to it to induce cell growth<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S): <br/>
Tag |
Value |
Map:APSRv2.1 |
SB: Procedure Steps Section - hl7:ClinicalDocument > hl7:component > hl7:structuredBody > hl7:component [Proc Steps] > hl7:section > hl7:entry > hl7:procedure > hl7:entryRelationship [Spec Proc Step] > hl7:procedure [see previous hl7:procedure] |
Map:LSDAMv2.2.3Plus |
PerformedSpecimenThaw |
Map:LSDAMv2.2.3Plus |
PerformedSpecimenSpun |
Map:LSDAMv2.2.3Plus |
PerformedSpecimenFrozen |
Map:LSDAMv2.2.3Plus |
PerformedSpecimenFixed |
Map:LSDAMv2.2.3Plus |
PerformedSpecimenEmbedded.embeddingMediumType |
Map:LSDAMv2.2.3Plus |
PerformedSpecimenEmbedded |
Map:LSDAMv2.2.3Plus |
PerformedMaterialProcessStep |
Constraint |
Type |
Status |
be participated in by Qualifier |
Invariant |
Approved |
Associations from Subject (including StudySubject) and ExperimentalUnit are valid for Specimen, Product and ProductGroup, not for BiologicEntity, BiologicEntityPart, BiologicEntityGroup, HealthcareFacility or Organization.<br/>
Object |
Type |
Connection |
Direction |
Notes |
PerformedProcedure |
Class |
Generalization |
To |
Each PerformedMaterialProcessStep always specializes one PerformedProcedure. Each PerformedProcedure might be specialized by one PerformedMaterialProcessStep.