: Public Class
DEFINITION:<br/>The possible or expected results that can be obtained by observing, monitoring, measuring or otherwise qualitatively or quantitatively recording one or more aspects of physiologic or psychologic processes.<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/>The normal range for a systolic blood pressure reading is 110-130 for adult males:<br/>ReferenceResult.referenceTypeCode = normal range<br/>ReferenceResult.valueTypeCode = systolic blood pressure<br/>ReferenceResult.value(ANY=#gt;IVL#lt;PQ#gt;) = 110-130 mm[Hg]<br/>ReferenceResult.populationScopeCode = adult males<br/><br/>The limit of quantitation for a PK assay, concentration of drug XYZ is 2-60 nanograms/ml for adult women as processed by Acme Labs:<br/>ReferenceResult.referenceTypeCode = limit of quantitation<br/>ReferenceResult.valueTypeCode = PK assay, concentration of drug XYZ<br/>ReferenceResult.value(ANY=#gt;IVL#lt;PQ#gt;) = 2-60 nanograms/ml<br/>ReferenceResult #gt; PerformingLaboratory #gt; Laboratory #gt; Organization.name = Acme Labs<br/><br/>The normal range for a hemoglobin concentration measurement on an adult female performed by Acme Labs is 12.1 to 15.1 g/dL:<br/>ReferenceResult.referenceTypeCode = normal range<br/>ReferenceResult.valueTypeCode = hemoglobin concentration measurement<br/>ReferenceResult.value(ANY=#gt;IVL#lt;PQ#gt;) = 12.1 to 15.1 g/dL<br/>ReferenceResult.populationScopeCode = adult females<br/>ReferenceResult #gt; PerformingLaboratory #gt; Laboratory #gt; Organization.name = Acme Labs<br/><br/>The normal range for a fasting blood glucose measurement on an adult performed by Acme Labs is 3.6 to 5.8 mmol/L:<br/>ReferenceResult.referenceTypeCode = normal range<br/>ReferenceResult.valueTypeCode = blood glucose measurement<br/>ReferenceResult.value(ANY=#gt;IVL#lt;PQ#gt;)= 3.6 to 5.8 mmol/L <br/>ReferenceResult.populationScopeCode = adult<br/>ReferenceResult.fastingStatusIndicator = true<br/>ReferenceResult #gt; PerformingLaboratory #gt; Laboratory #gt; Organization.name = Acme Labs<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/>Normal range, reference range, limit of quantitation, clinical concern range, data checking range, alert range<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>The context of a reference result may include any combination of the following: the performing lab, the performing device, and the population to which the reference value pertains. The context may also omit any of those aspects as well.<br/>
- Attributes
- Associations To
- Associations From
- Tagged Values
- Constraints
Attribute |
Public ANY value
Alias: |
Initial: |
Stereotype: |
Ordered: |
Range: |
Range:1. to 1 |
Transient: |
False |
Derived: |
False |
IsID: |
False |
Map:APSRv2.1=[Problem] hl7:organizer - [Problem] hl7:organizer > hl7:component [Lab Obs] > hl7:observation > hl7:referenceRange > hl7:observationRange > hl7:value Map:CDASHv1.1=LB.LBORNRHI Map:CDASHv1.1=LB.LBORNRLO Map:CDISCLabv1.0.1=Base Result.SI Reference Range High Map:CDISCLabv1.0.1=Base Result.SI Reference Range Low Map:CDISCLabv1.0.1=Base Result.Reported Reference Range Low Map:CDISCLabv1.0.1=Base Result.Reported Reference Range High Map:CDISCLabv1.0.1=Base Result.Conventional Reference Range High Map:CDISCLabv1.0.1=Base Result.Conventional Reference Range Low Map:CDMHv1.0=ReferenceResult.value Map:CTOM=ClinicalResult.labReferenceRangeCode Map:CTRv1.0=ReferenceResult.value Map:HCTv1.0=CDE 2953113:Lab Results.What is the upper limit of normal value of total serum bilirubin? Map:HCTv1.0=CDE 2953268:Lab Results.Upper limit of normal for lambda free light chain: Map:HCTv1.0=CDE 2953266:Lab Results.upper limit of normal for kappa free light chain: Map:HCTv1.0=CDE 2963544:Lab Results.What is the upper limit of normal value of beta-2-microglobulin protein? Map:HCTv1.0=CDE 2953270:Lab Results.Unit of measure: kappa Map:HCTv1.0=CDE 2954096:Lab Results.Specify the serum immunoglobin lower limit of normal value: Map:HCTv1.0=CDE 2953111:Lab Results.What is the upper limit of normal value of AST (SGOT)? Map:HCTv1.0=CDE 2953277:Lab Results.Unit of measure: lambda Map:HCTv1.0=CDE 2597015:Lab Results.Lactate Dehydrogenase ULN Map:HCTv1.0=CDE 2954133:Lab Results.Serum Immunoglobin Upper Limit of Normal Map:HCTv1.0=CDE 2953866:Lab Results.LDH Upper Limit of Normal Unit of Measure Map:HCTv1.0=CDE 2953117:Lab Results.What is the upper limit of normal value of serum creatinine? Map:HCTv1.0=CDE 2953862:Lab Results.Serum Creatinine Upper Limit of Normal Map:Lab=LabResult.referenceRangeHigh Map:Lab=LabResult.referenceRangeLow Map:Lab=LaboratoryResult.referenceTextList Map:Lab=LabResult.referenceTextList Map:LabViewer2.2=LaboratoryResult.referenceRangeHigh Map:LabViewer2.2=LaboratoryResult.referenceRangeLow Map:NCI CRF Standard=CDE 2841221v1.0: Test Result Low Test Reference Range Number Map:NCI CRF Standard=CDE 2841212v1.0: Test Result High Test Reference Range Number Map:SDTM IGv3.1.1=LB.LBORNRHI Map:SDTM IGv3.1.1=LB.LBSTNRHI Map:SDTM IGv3.1.1=LB.LBORNRLO Map:SDTM IGv3.1.1=LB.LBSTNRC Map:SDTM IGv3.1.1=LB.LBSTNRLO Map:SDTM IGv3.1.2=LB.LBSTNRC Map:SDTM IGv3.1.2=LB.LBORNRHI Map:SDTM IGv3.1.2=PC.PCLLOQ Map:SDTM IGv3.1.2=LB.LBORNRLO Map:SDTM IGv3.1.2=LB.LBSTNRLO Map:SDTM IGv3.1.2=LB.LBSTNRHI Map:SDTM IGv3.1.3=LB.LBORNRHI Map:SDTM IGv3.1.3=LB.LBORNRLO Map:SDTM IGv3.1.3=LB.LBSTNRC Map:SDTM IGv3.1.3=LB.LBSTNRHI Map:SDTM IGv3.1.3=LB.LBSTNRLO Map:SDTM IGv3.1.3=PC.PCLLOQ
DEFINITION:<br/>A reference for some measurement that a physician or other health professional can use to interpret a set of results for a particular experimental unit.<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/>For systolic blood pressure, ReferenceResult.value(ANY) would be constrained to IVL#lt;PQ#gt; and would = 110-130 mm[Hg]<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>
Public CD valueTypeCode
Alias: |
Initial: |
Stereotype: |
Ordered: |
Range: |
Range:0 to 1 |
Transient: |
False |
Derived: |
False |
IsID: |
False |
Map:CTOM=ClinicalResult.value Map:CTRv1.0=ReferenceResult.valueTypeCode
DEFINITION:<br/>A coded value specifying the kind of clinical result to which this reference result must be associated.<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/>For a blood pressure measurement, the valueTypeCode may be systolic or diastolic.<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>
Public CD referenceTypeCode
Alias: |
Initial: |
Stereotype: |
Ordered: |
Range: |
Range:1. to 1 |
Transient: |
False |
Derived: |
False |
IsID: |
False |
Map:APSRv2.1=[Problem] hl7:organizer - [Problem] hl7:organizer > hl7:component [Lab Obs] > hl7:observation > hl7:referenceRange > @typeCode Map:CTRv1.0=ReferenceResult.referenceTypeCode Map:SDTM IGv3.1.2=LB.LBSTNRHI Map:SDTM IGv3.1.2=LB.LBSTNRLO Map:SDTM IGv3.1.2=LB.LBSTNRC Map:SDTM IGv3.1.2=PC.PCLLOQ Map:SDTM IGv3.1.2=LB.LBORNLO Map:SDTM IGv3.1.2=LB.LBORNHI
DEFINITION:<br/>A coded value specifying the kind of reference, i.e. how it is to be used or what its purpose is.<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/>normal range<br/>limit of quantitation<br/>clinical concern range<br/>data checking range<br/>alert range<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>
Public CD targetAnatomicSiteCode
Alias: |
Initial: |
Stereotype: |
Ordered: |
Range: |
Range:0 to 1 |
Transient: |
False |
Derived: |
False |
IsID: |
False |
Map:CTOM=LesionDescription.contactAnatomicSiteCode Map:CTOM=LesionDescription.contactAnatomicSiteCodeSystem Map:CTRv1.0=ReferenceResult.targetAnatomicSiteCode Map:SDTM IGv3.1.1=AE.AELOC Map:SDTM IGv3.1.1=VS.VSLOC Map:SDTM IGv3.1.1=PE.PELOC Map:SDTM IGv3.1.1=EX.EXLOC
DEFINITION:<br/>A coded value specifying the anatomic location that is the focus of a reference result.<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/>Arm for skin rash<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>Sources that capture anatomic site and laterality separately should map both to this attribute. For implementation models based on BRIDG where site and laterality are captured separately, you may wish to capture both concepts as a post-coordinated code structure or as multiple code repetitions.<br/>
Public CD targetAnatomicSiteLateralityCode
Alias: |
Initial: |
Stereotype: |
Ordered: |
Range: |
Range:0 to 1 |
Transient: |
False |
Derived: |
False |
IsID: |
False |
Map:CTRv1.0=ReferenceResult.targetAnatomicSiteLateralityCode Map:SDTM IGv3.1.1=VS.VSLOC Map:SDTM IGv3.1.1=PE.PELOC Map:SDTM IGv3.1.1=AE.AELOC Map:SDTM IGv3.1.1=EX.EXLOC
DEFINITION:<br/>A coded value specifying the side of the body (or a paired organ) that is a target site for a result. <br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/>bilateral, left, right<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>This attribute is deprecated in BRIDG 3.1 since the only source use case for splitting out laterality from anatomic site comes from CTOM. All other source models had these concepts combined in one attribute. Therefore it was determined to combine these attributes to match the majority of use cases.<br/>
Public CD populationScopeCode
Alias: |
Initial: |
Stereotype: |
Ordered: |
Range: |
Range:0 to 1 |
Transient: |
False |
Derived: |
False |
IsID: |
False |
Map:APSRv2.1=[Problem] hl7:organizer - [Problem] hl7:organizer > hl7:component [Lab Obs] > hl7:observation > hl7:referenceRange > hl7:observationRange > hl7:precondition > lab:criterion > lab:value Map:APSRv2.1=[Problem] hl7:organizer - [Problem] hl7:organizer > hl7:component [Lab Obs] > hl7:observation > hl7:referenceRange > hl7:observationRange > hl7:precondition > lab:criterion > lab:code Map:BRIDGSCC=Model Integrity Map:CTRv1.0=ReferenceResult.populationScopeCode
DEFINITION:<br/>A coded value specifying the type of subjects to which this reference result applies.<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/>adult males<br/>adult females<br/>minor males<br/>minor females<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>
Public BL fastingStatusIndicator
Alias: |
Initial: |
Stereotype: |
Ordered: |
Range: |
Range:0 to 1 |
Transient: |
False |
Derived: |
False |
IsID: |
False |
Map:BRIDGSCC=Model Integrity Map:CTRv1.0=ReferenceResult.fastingStatusIndicator
DEFINITION:<br/>Specifies whether the result applies to when the subject had been abstaining from eating when the specimen was obtained. <br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>
Public ST comment
Alias: |
Initial: |
Stereotype: |
Ordered: |
Range: |
Range:0 to 1 |
Transient: |
False |
Derived: |
False |
IsID: |
False |
Map:CTOM=DiseaseResponse.commentText Map:CTRv1.0=ReferenceResult.comment Map:Lab=LabResult.referenceRangeComments Map:LabViewer2.2=LaboratoryResult.referenceRangeComment Map:SDTM IGv3.1.1=CO.COVAL
DEFINITION:<br/>Additional description of the reference result.<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>
Element |
Source Role |
Target Role |
Name: performedReferenceResult
Name: performingDevice
DESCRIPTION:<br/>Each ReferenceResult might apply to results produced by one Device. Each Device might produce one or more ReferenceResult.<br/><br/>DEFINITION:<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/><br/>
Name: performedReferenceResult
Name: performingLaboratory
DESCRIPTION:<br/>Each ReferenceResult might apply to results produced by one Laboratory. Each Laboratory might produce one or more ReferenceResult.<br/><br/>DEFINITION:<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>
Element |
Source Role |
Target Role |
Name: referencingPerformedClinicalResult
Name: referencedReferenceResult
DESCRIPTION:<br/>Each PerformedClinicalResult might reference one or more ReferenceResult. Each ReferenceResult might be referenced by one or more PerformedClinicalResult.<br/><br/>DEFINITION:<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/><br/>
Tag |
Value |
Map:APSRv2.1 |
[Problem] hl7:organizer - [Problem] hl7:organizer > hl7:component [Lab Obs] > hl7:observation > hl7:referenceRange |
Model Integrity |
Map:CDMHv1.0 |
ReferenceResult |
Map:CTRv1.0 |
ReferenceResult |
Constraint |
Type |
Status |
apply to results produced by actualIndicator Qualifier |
Invariant |
Approved |
Only Device or Organization (via PerformingLaboratory) with actualIndicator = "true" is valid. <br/>