: Public Class
Created: 7/30/2013 4:44:31 PM
Modified: 8/26/2017 2:00:47 AM
DEFINITION: <br/>A project that is intended to generate or test one or more hypotheses or lead to discoveries.<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/>A project to identify genetic biomarkers for cancer prognosis <br/>A phase 2 clinical trial to test whether an experimental treatment is effective.  <br/>An epidemiological study to determine whether there is a correlation between an exposure and a disease.<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>
Tag Value
Map:LSDAMv2.2.3Plus ActivityCollection
Object Type Connection Direction Notes
Experiment Class Generalization From DESCRIPTION: Each Experiment always specializes one ResearchProject. Each ResearchProject might be specialized by one Experiment. DEFINITION: EXAMPLE(S): OTHER NAME(S): NOTE(S):
Project Class Generalization To DESCRIPTION: Each ResearchProject always specializes one Project. Each Project might be specialized by one ResearchProject. DEFINITION: EXAMPLE(S): OTHER NAME(S): NOTE(S):
Study Class Generalization From DESCRIPTION: Each Study always specializes one ResearchProject. Each ResearchProject might be specialized by one Study. DEFINITION: EXAMPLE(S): OTHER NAME(S): NOTE(S):