Attribute |
Public ST dicomStudyID
Alias: |
Initial: |
Stereotype: |
Ordered: |
Range: |
Range:0 to 1 |
Transient: |
False |
Derived: |
False |
IsID: |
False |
Map:CDMHv1.0=PerformedImagingStudy.dicomStudyID Map:DICOM=Study Level Keys for the Patient Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - Study ID (0020,0010) Map:DICOM=General Study Module - Study ID (0020,0010)
DEFINITION:<br/>The user- or equipment-generated identifier of an instance of a DICOM study entity that corresponds to the performed imaging study.<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/>1234<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/>FHIR ImagingStudy.identifier<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>This is intended to be a human readable identifier.<br/>
Public II imagingAccessionIdentifier
Alias: |
Initial: |
Stereotype: |
Ordered: |
Range: |
Range:0 to 1 |
Transient: |
False |
Derived: |
False |
IsID: |
False |
Map:CDMHv1.0=PerformedImagingStudy.imagingAccessionIdentifier Map:DICOM=General Study Module - Issuer of Accession Number Sequence (0008,0051) Map:DICOM=General Study Module - Accession Number (0008,0050) Map:DICOM=Study Level Keys for the Patient Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - Accession Number (0008,0050)
DEFINITION:<br/>An order filler system-generated identifier for the order for the imaging study.<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>
Public ST description
Alias: |
Initial: |
Stereotype: |
Ordered: |
Range: |
Range:0 to 1 |
Transient: |
False |
Derived: |
False |
IsID: |
False |
Map:CDMHv1.0=PerformedImagingStudy.description Map:DICOM=General Study Module - Study Description (0008,1030) Map:DICOM=Study Level Keys for the Patient Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - Study Description (0008,1030)
DEFINITION:<br/>The textual representation of the certain or salient aspects, characteristics, or features of the imaging study. [Adapted from]<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>Usually this describes the manner in which the imaging study was performed.<br/>
Public DSET<CD> admittingDiagnosisCode
Alias: |
Initial: |
Stereotype: |
Ordered: |
Range: |
Range:0 to * |
Transient: |
False |
Derived: |
False |
IsID: |
False |
Map:CDMHv1.0=PerformedImagingStudy.admittingDiagnosisCode Map:DICOM=Patient Study Module - Admitting Diagnoses Code Sequence (0008,1084) Map:DICOM=Patient Study Module - Admitting Diagnoses Description (0008,1080) Map:DICOM=Study Level Keys for the Patient Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - Admitting Diagnoses Description (0008,1080)
DEFINITION:<br/>The identified disease(s) or illness(es) at the time of the admission during which imaging was performed.<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>This value is derived from the path: PerformedImagingStudy #gt; Subject #gt; PerformedObservation #gt; PerformedDiagnosis.value (ANY=#gt;PQ.TIME) WHERE PerformedObservation #gt; DefinedObservation.nameCode = "diagnosis"<br/>
Public DSET<CD> nonAcquisitionModalitiesInStudyCode
Alias: |
Initial: |
Stereotype: |
Ordered: |
Range: |
Range:0 to * |
Transient: |
False |
Derived: |
False |
IsID: |
False |
Map:CDMHv1.0=PerformedImagingStudy.nonAcquisitionModalitiesInStudyCode Map:DICOM=General Series Module - Modality (0008,0060) Map:DICOM=Study Level Keys for the Patient Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - Modalities in Study (0008,0061)
DEFINITION:<br/>A coded value specifying the type of equipment that created the images in this imaging study other than that used to acquire the original data.<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/>SR (Structured Report), KO (Key Object), SEG (Segmentation), DOC (document)<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>This is a characterization of those devices other than those devices that are used to acquire the images which are encoded in Device.typeCode.<br/>
Public ST subjectHistory
Alias: |
Initial: |
Stereotype: |
Ordered: |
Range: |
Range:0 to 1 |
Transient: |
False |
Derived: |
True |
IsID: |
False |
Map:CDMHv1.0=PerformedImagingStudy.subjectHistory Map:DICOM=Patient Study Module - Additional Patient History (0010,21B0) Map:DICOM=Study Level Keys for the Patient Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - Additional Patient History (0010,21B0)
DEFINITION:<br/>Information about the subject obtained by asking questions [Adapted from:]<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>This value is derived from the path: Subject #gt; PerformedObservation #gt; PerformedObservationResult.value (ANY=#gt;PQ.TIME) WHERE PerformedObservation #gt; DefinedObservation.nameCode = "patient history"<br/>
Public PQ.TIME subjectAge
Alias: |
Initial: |
Stereotype: |
Ordered: |
Range: |
Range:0 to 1 |
Transient: |
False |
Derived: |
True |
IsID: |
False |
Map:CDMHv1.0=PerformedImagingStudy.subjectAge Map:DICOM=Patient Study Module - Patient's Age (0010,1010) Map:DICOM=Study Level Keys for the Patient Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - Patient's Age (0010,1010)
DEFINITION:<br/>The length of time since the birth of the imaging subject in completed units. [Adapted from: Google and caDSR Public ID 2423393]<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/>17 years (years completed)<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>This value is derived from the path: Subject #gt; PerformedObservation #gt; PerformedObservationResult.value (ANY=#gt;PQ.TIME) WHERE PerformedObservation #gt; DefinedObservation.nameCode = "age"<br/>
Public PQ subjectHeight
Alias: |
Initial: |
Stereotype: |
Ordered: |
Range: |
Range:0 to 1 |
Transient: |
False |
Derived: |
True |
IsID: |
False |
Map:CDMHv1.0=PerformedImagingStudy.subjectHeight Map:DICOM=Patient Study Module - Patient's Size (0010,1020) Map:DICOM=Study Level Keys for the Patient Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - Patient's Size (0010,1020)
DEFINITION:<br/>The distance from the bottom to the top of the imaging study subject. [adapted from]<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/>1.75 meters<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>This value is derived from the path: Subject #gt; PerformedObservation #gt; PerformedObservationResult.value (ANY=#gt;PQ.TIME) WHERE PerformedObservation #gt; DefinedObservation.nameCode = "height"<br/>
Public PQ subjectWeight
Alias: |
Initial: |
Stereotype: |
Ordered: |
Range: |
Range:0 to 1 |
Transient: |
False |
Derived: |
True |
IsID: |
False |
Map:CDMHv1.0=PerformedImagingStudy.subjectWeight Map:DICOM=Patient Study Module - Patient's Weight (0010, 1030) Map:DICOM=Study Level Keys for the Patient Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - Patient's Weight (0010, 1030)
DEFINITION:<br/>The measurement that indicates how heavy an imaging study subject is. [adapted from]<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/>75 kg<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>This value is derived from the path: Subject #gt; PerformedObservation #gt; PerformedObservationResult.value (ANY=#gt;PQ.TIME) WHERE PerformedObservation #gt; DefinedObservation.nameCode = "weight"<br/>
Public DSET<OID> storageSOPClassesInStudy
Alias: |
Initial: |
Stereotype: |
Ordered: |
Range: |
Range:0 to * |
Transient: |
False |
Derived: |
False |
IsID: |
False |
Map:CDMHv1.0=PerformedImagingStudy.storageSOPClassesInStudy Map:DICOM=Study Level Keys for the Patient Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - SOP Classes in Study (0008,0062)
DEFINITION:<br/>The unique identifier of a DICOM Storage Service-Object Pair Class used to encode an instance of the imaging study.<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/>1.2.840.10008. (CT Image Storage SOP Class)<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/>SOP Classes in Study (0008,0062)<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>
Public BL lossyImageCompressionIndicator
Alias: |
Initial: |
Stereotype: |
Ordered: |
Range: |
Range:0 to 1 |
Transient: |
False |
Derived: |
False |
IsID: |
False |
Map:CDMHv1.0=PerformedImagingStudy.lossyImageCompressionIndicator Map:DICOM=General Image Module - Lossy Image Compression (0028,2110) Map:DICOM=Enhanced CT Image Module - Lossy Image Compression (0028,2110) Map:DICOM=Enhanced MR Image Module - Lossy Image Compression (0028,2110) Map:DICOM=Enhanced PET Image Module - Lossy Image Compression (0028,2110)
DEFINITION:<br/>Specifies whether any images in the study are irreversibly altered during encoding at any time during its life.<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/>If even just one image in the study has been lossy compressed, the loggyImageCompressionIndicator = "true".<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>
Public INT.NONNEG seriesCount
Alias: |
Initial: |
Stereotype: |
Ordered: |
Range: |
Range:0 to 1 |
Transient: |
False |
Derived: |
False |
IsID: |
False |
Map:CDMHv1.0=PerformedImagingStudy.seriesCount Map:DICOM=Study Level Keys for the Patient Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - Number of Study Related Series (0020,1206)
DEFINITION:<br/>The number of DICOM series in the performed imaging study.<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/>Number of Study Related Series (0020,1206)<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>
Public INT.NONNEG imageCount
Alias: |
Initial: |
Stereotype: |
Ordered: |
Range: |
Range:0 to 1 |
Transient: |
False |
Derived: |
False |
IsID: |
False |
Map:CDMHv1.0=PerformedImagingStudy.imageCount Map:DICOM=Study Level Keys for the Patient Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - Number of Study Related Instances (0020,1208)
DEFINITION:<br/>The number of DICOM instances in the performed imaging study.<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/>Number of Study Related Instances (0020,1208)<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>