: Public Class
DEFINITION: <br/>A relationship between a planned activity and some criteria to determine if the activity should occur where all activities are intended to occur at some point in the context of a particular study or experiment.<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S): <br/>Only perform a certain lab test if drug X was administered. (target = another activity)<br/>Only perform a substance administration of drug X if the blood pressure was over some threshold number. (target = observation result from another activity that is an observation) <br/>Only perform a substance administration of drug Y if the blood pressure was over some threshold number and either the result of a certain lab test was positive or the subject's temperature was elevated, i.e. "(A and (B or C))". <br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S): <br/><br/>NOTE(S): <br/>The criteria may be one of the following:<br/>- another planned activity where the source activity does not occur unless the target activity has occurred<br/>- the defined outcome of another planned activity where the source activity does not occur unless the target activity outcome has occurred<br/>- a planned group of other criteria that may be composed of a mix of other activities, observation results and/or other groups<br/><br/>To evaluate whether the contingency was satisfied, the simple existence of a PerformedActivity (or subclass) related to the DefinedActivity (or subclass) is not enough by itself. The PerformedActivity.statusCode and PerformedActivity.negationIndicator must also be checked to ensure that the activity was actually performed. PerformedActivity.statusCode must be "Completed" and PerformedActivity.negationIndicator must not be "true".<br/>
- Attributes
- Associations To
- Tagged Values
- Constraints
Attribute |
Public REAL priorityNumber
Alias: |
Initial: |
Stereotype: |
Ordered: |
Range: |
Range:0 to 1 |
Transient: |
False |
Derived: |
False |
IsID: |
False |
DEFINITION:<br/>A number specifying the relative preference for considering this relationship before other like-typed relationships having the same source activity.<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>Relationships with lower priorityNumber values are considered before and above those with higher values. <br/><br/>The ordering may be a total ordering, in which all priority number are unique, or a partial ordering, in which the same priority may be assigned to more than one relationship. Decimal numbers may be used to insert values between existing priority numbers.<br/><br/>For multiple criteria, this specifies which criteria are considered before others. <br/><br/>Among alternatives or options that are being chosen by humans, the priorityNumber specifies preference.<br/>
Public URG<PQ.TIME> pauseQuantityRange
Alias: |
Initial: |
Stereotype: |
Ordered: |
Range: |
Range:0 to 1 |
Transient: |
False |
Derived: |
False |
IsID: |
False |
Map:caAERSv2.2=PlannedNotification.interval Map:Lab=Activity.plannedTimeElapsed Map:PGx v1.0=PG.PGTPT Map:PGx v1.0=BS.BSELTM Map:PGx v1.0=PF.PFTPT Map:PGx v1.0=PF.PFELTM Map:PGx v1.0=BS.BSTPT Map:PSC=PlannedEvent.startDay Map:PSC=PlannedEvent.units Map:PSC=PlannedEvent.day Map:SDTM IGv3.1.1=EX.EXELTM Map:SDTM IGv3.1.2=VS.VSELTM Map:SDTM IGv3.1.2=EG.EGELTM Map:SDTM IGv3.1.2=PC.PCELTM Map:SDTM IGv3.1.2=MS.MSELTM Map:SDTM IGv3.1.2=MB.MBELTM Map:SDTM IGv3.1.2=EX.EXELTM Map:SDTM IGv3.1.2=LB.LBELTM Map:SDTM IGv3.1.2=QS.QSELTM Map:SDTM IGv3.1.3=VS.VSELTM Map:SDTM IGv3.1.3=QS.QSTPT Map:SDTM IGv3.1.3=MB.MBELTM Map:SDTM IGv3.1.3=QS.QSELTM Map:SDTM IGv3.1.3=PC.PCTPT Map:SDTM IGv3.1.3=PC.PCELTM Map:SDTM IGv3.1.3=MS.MSTPT Map:SDTM IGv3.1.3=VS.VSTPT Map:SDTM IGv3.1.3=MS.MSELTM Map:SDTM IGv3.1.3=MB.MBTPT Map:SDTM IGv3.1.3=EG.EGELTM Map:SDTM IGv3.1.3=EG.EGTPT Map:SDTM IGv3.1.3=EX.EXELTM Map:SDTM IGv3.1.3=EX.EXTPT Map:SDTM IGv3.1.3=LB.LBELTM Map:SDTM IGv3.1.3=LB.LBTPT
DEFINITION:<br/>A quantity of time falling within minimum and maximum bounds that specifies the elapsed time between when an activity is ready for execution and the actual beginning of the execution.<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/><font color="#0f0f0f">If drug X was administered, perform lab test Y 1 hour afterwards (contingency target = another activity) – the pauseQuantityRange is</font> 1 hour (minimum and maximum bounds of the range are the same)<br/><br/>Only perform a substance administration of drug X within 10 minutes if the blood pressure was over some threshold number (target = observation result from another activity that is an observation) – the pauseQuantityRange is 0-10 minutes<br/><br/>Only perform a substance administration of drug Y within 10 minutes if the blood pressure was over some threshold number AND either the result of a certain lab test was positive or the subject's temperature was elevated (target = group of criteria, i.e. "(A and (B or C))" – the pauseQuantityRange is 0-10 minutes <br/><br/>For the more complex examples of doing activity A 5 minutes after the start of B or 5 minutes after the end of B, use pauseQuantity in combination with completionRequiredBeforeStartingIndicator where the pauseQuantity in both cases would be 5 minutes and "after the start of" would be completionRequiredBeforeStartingIndicator = "false" and "after the end of" = "true".<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>The pauseQuantityRange defines the amount of time between two points in time: (1) the point when all preceding steps (in sequence) and preconditions of an activity have been completed, and (2) the actual start of the activity. The completion of all pre-conditions and preceding steps (based on sequence number) indicates that an activity is "ready for execution" according to the definition above. The pauseQuantityRange counter or timeclock starts then, and when the full amount of time is reached, the activity begins. A pauseQuantityRange with a negative value means that the activity starts some amount of time prior to the estimated time that the activity is "ready for execution", i.e. prior to the estimated time that the pre-conditions and preceding steps will be completed.<br/>
Public CD checkpointCode
Alias: |
Initial: |
Stereotype: |
Ordered: |
Range: |
Range:0 to 1 |
Transient: |
False |
Derived: |
False |
IsID: |
False |
DEFINITION:<br/>A coded value specifying the points in the course of an activity when a precondition for the activity is evaluated.<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S)<br/>When the checkpointCode for a criterion of a repeatable activity is "end," the criterion is tested only at the end of each repetition of that activity. When the condition holds true, the next repetition is ready for execution.<br/><br/>When the checkpointCode is "entry," the criterion is checked at the beginning of each repetition, if any, whereas "beginning" means the criterion is checked only once before the repetition "loop" starts.<br/><br/>The checkpointCode "through" is special in that it requires the condition to hold throughout the execution of the activity, even throughout a single execution. As soon as the condition turns false, the activity should receive an interrupt event (see PlannedActivity.interruptibleIndicator) and will eventually terminate.<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>The checkpointCode specifies when the precondition is to be checked; it is analogous to the various conditional statements and loop constructs in programming languages "while-do" vs. "do-while" or "repeat-until" vs. "loop-exit." <br/>
Public BL completionRequiredBeforeStartingIndicator
Alias: |
Initial: |
Stereotype: |
Ordered: |
Range: |
Range:0 to 1 |
Transient: |
False |
Derived: |
False |
IsID: |
False |
Map:CTRv1.0=PlannedContingentOnRelationship.completionRequiredBeforeStartingIndicator Map:TDMv2=PlannedContingentOnRelationship.completionRequiredBeforeStartingIndicator
DEFINITION:<br/>Specifies whether the target activity must have completed prior to starting the source activity.<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>This attribute may only be used if the target is an activity, not if the target is an observation result or a criterion group.<br/>
Element |
Source Role |
Target Role |
Name: contingentPlannedContingentOnRelationship
Name: prerequisitePlannedCriterionGroup
DESCRIPTION:<br/>Each PlannedContingentOnRelationship might be contingent upon one PlannedCriterionGroup. Each PlannedCriterionGroup might be a condition for one or more PlannedContingentOnRelationship.<br/><br/>DEFINITION:<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/><br/>
Name: contingentPlannedContingentOnRelationship
Name: prerequisitePlannedActivity
DESCRIPTION:<br/>Each PlannedContingentOnRelationship might be contingent upon one PlannedActivity. Each PlannedActivity might be a condition for one or more PlannedContingentOnRelationship.<br/><br/>DEFINITION:<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/><br/>
Name: contingentPlannedContingentOnRelationship
Name: prerequisiteDefinedObservationResult
DESCRIPTION:<br/>Each PlannedContingentOnRelationship might be contingent upon one DefinedObservationResult. Each DefinedObservationResult might be a condition for one or more PlannedContingentOnRelationship.<br/><br/>DEFINITION:<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/><br/>
Name: prerequisitePlannedContingentOnRelationship
Name: contingentPlannedActivity
DESCRIPTION:<br/>Each PlannedContingentOnRelationship always is a condition for one PlannedActivity. Each PlannedActivity might be contingent upon one or more PlannedContingentOnRelationship.<br/><br/>DEFINITION:<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/><br/>
Tag |
Value |
Map:CTOM |
ActivityRelationship.typeCode |
Map:CTRPv3.8 |
ActivityRelationship.typeCode |
Map:CTRv1.0 |
PlannedContingentOnRelationship |
Map:TDM |
TriggeringRule |
Map:TDM |
AbstractRule.evaluableExpression |
Constraint |
Type |
Status |
be contingent upon Exclusive Or |
Invariant |
Approved |
A PlannedContingentOnRelationship must be associated to one and only one of the following: PlannedActivity, DefinedObservationResult, PlannedCriterionGroup.<br/>
completionRequiredIndicator Qualifier |
Invariant |
Approved |
completionRequiredBeforeStartingIndicator may only be used if the target of this relationship is an activity, not if the target is an observation result or a criterion group.<br/>