: Public Class
DEFINITION:<br/>A document that describes a study protocol.<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>A study protocol document is one component of the overall concept of a study protocol. The complete notion of the study protocol is represented in BRIDG by the classes StudyProtocol, StudyProtocolVersion, StudyProtocolDocument, StudyProtocolDocumentVersion and all their associations.<br/>- The StudyProtocol class represents the content of the study protocol which includes characteristics and plan of the study which can be distilled into or abstracted from a version of the study protocol document and can exist even before the information is put into document form.<br/>- The StudyProtocolVersion class represents the details of the study protocol that may change over time.<br/>- The StudyProtocolDocument class represents the document form of the study protocol and is a grouping of the various study protocol document versions.<br/>- The StudyProtocolDocumentVersion class represents the document form of the study protocol version and is the details of the study protocol document that may change over time.<br/>
- Associations To
- Tagged Values
- Other Links
Element |
Source Role |
Target Role |
Name: representingStudyProtocolDocument
Name: representedStudyProtocol
DESCRIPTION:<br/>Each StudyProtocolDocument always represents one StudyProtocol. Each StudyProtocol might be represented in one StudyProtocolDocument.<br/><br/>DEFINITION:<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>
Tag |
Value |
Map:CTRPv3.8 |
StudyProtocol.document(Document) |
Map:CTRv1.0 |
StudyProtocolDocument |
Object |
Type |
Connection |
Direction |
Notes |
Document |
Class |
Generalization |
To |
Each StudyProtocolDocument always specializes one Document. Each Document might be specialized by one StudyProtocolDocument.