: Public Class
DEFINITION:<br/>A citation to a publication related to the protocol's background.<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/>"Bauman, G.S. et al. (2000). Allelic loss of chromosome 1p and radiotherapy plus chemotherapy in patients with oligodendrogliomas. Int J Rad Oncol Biol Phys 48:825-30."<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>CT.gov instruction say to provide either the unique PubMed Identifier (PMID) of an article or enter the full bibliographic citation. <br/>
- Attributes
- Associations To
- Tagged Values
- Constraints
Attribute |
Public II publicationIdentifier
Alias: |
Initial: |
Stereotype: |
Ordered: |
Range: |
Range:0 to 1 |
Transient: |
False |
Derived: |
False |
IsID: |
False |
Map:CTGOV=MEDLINE Identifier Map:CTRR=Published Results Identifier Map:CTRRr3=StudyReference.publicationIdentifier Map:CTRv1.0=StudyReference.publicationIdentifier
DEFINITION:<br/>A unique symbol that establishes identity of a publication related to the study protocol background.<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/>10987815 is the unique PubMed Identifier (PMID) for the citation in MEDLINE.<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>
Public ST publicationName
Alias: |
Initial: |
Stereotype: |
Ordered: |
Range: |
Range:0 to 1 |
Transient: |
False |
Derived: |
False |
IsID: |
False |
Map:CTRR=Published Results Title Map:CTRRr3=StudyReference.publicationName Map:CTRv1.0=StudyReference.publicationName Map:PRM=PublishedResults.title
DEFINITION:<br/>A non-unique textual identifier specifying the human-readable name of the publication.<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/>MEDLINE is the source for PMID 10987815<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>
Public TEL.URL uniformResourceLocator
Alias: |
Initial: |
Stereotype: |
Ordered: |
Range: |
Range:0 to 1 |
Transient: |
False |
Derived: |
False |
IsID: |
False |
Map:CTGOV=Links URL Map:CTRRr3=StudyReference.universalResourceLocator Map:CTRv1.0=StudyReference.uniformResourceLocator
DEFINITION:<br/>A complete reference to a website (including http://) that is directly relevant to the study. <br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/>http://www.alzheimers.org/<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>
Public ST citationDescription
Alias: |
Initial: |
Stereotype: |
Ordered: |
Range: |
Range:0 to 1 |
Transient: |
False |
Derived: |
False |
IsID: |
False |
Map:CTGOV=Citation Map:CTRR=Published Results Citation Map:CTRRr3=StudyReference.citationDescription Map:CTRv1.0=StudyReference.citationDescription
DEFINITION:<br/>A bibliographical reference in a format acceptable to the publisher of the reference material. <br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>Studies performed in the United States may be required to conform to the National Library of Medicine's MEDLINE format.<br/>
Public ST linkPageDescription
Alias: |
Initial: |
Stereotype: |
Ordered: |
Range: |
Range:0 to 1 |
Transient: |
False |
Derived: |
False |
IsID: |
False |
Map:CTGOV=Links Description Map:CTRRr3=StudyReference.linkPageDescription Map:CTRv1.0=StudyReference.linkPageDescription
DEFINITION:<br/>The textual representation of the linked page.<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/>If the page being linked is the protocol's home page on the sponsor's Web site, the description might be "This is a link to the study sponsor's web site".<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/>
Element |
Source Role |
Target Role |
Name: referencingStudyReference
Name: referencedStudyProtocolVersion
DESCRIPTION:<br/>Each StudyReference always is referenced by one or more StudyProtocolVersion. Each StudyProtocolVersion might refer to one or more StudyReference.<br/><br/>DEFINITION:<br/><br/>EXAMPLE(S):<br/><br/>OTHER NAME(S):<br/><br/>NOTE(S):<br/><br/>
Tag |
Value |
References |
Map:CTRRr3 |
StudyReference |
Map:CTRv1.0 |
StudyReference |
Constraint |
Type |
Status |
Mandatory Attribute Qualifier |
Invariant |
Approved |
At least one of the following must be mandatory for StudyReference: publicationIdentifier, publicationName, uniformResourceLocator, citationDescription, linkpageDescription.<br/>