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This page will (1) show you how to run a sample job using CANDLE and (2) indicate what needs to be modified in order to run your own job using CANDLE.

Step (1): Set up your environment

First, enter some working directory on Biowulf and load the CANDLE environment using module load candle. For example, if your working directory is /data/USERNAME/candle-test, run this on the Biowulf command line:

cd /data/USERNAME/candle-test
module load candle

Step (2): Copy the template submission script to the working directory

Copy the template CANDLE submission script to, and create an empty experiments directory in, the working directory by running on Biowulf:


Step (3) (Optional): Modify the variables in the submission script

Modify the template submission script to your needs or leave it unmodified for an example run on the MNIST dataset.

Step (4): Run the job

Submit the job by running:


(No, there really is no need for “sbatch”.)
