Chapter 1 Get Started with the Sample File

This chapter guides you through the features of COMETS Analytics using the sample file to provide an introduction to the flow of analyses.

1.1 Sample Input File

There is a sample file located on the website that will serve as your data input template. After logging in, navigate to the Correlate tab. On the lower left side, there is text stating Download Sample Input. Click this text, and the sample file will download.

This template was designed to conduct analyses of age and metabolite, and BMI and metabolite correlations. It illustrates how your input data should be formatted, and includes practice data for >600 metabolites and key covariates such as age and gender.

Using this sample file as your input data will allow you to practice using the app functions and familiarize yourself with its output. You may want to begin by downloading and then inputting this sample file to the website to familiarize yourself with how the data analysis works.

1.2 Quick Analysis

To upload your input file to the COMETS Analytics website, please follow these steps:

  1. Select the Correlate tab.
  2. Specify your cohort from the dropdown menu.
  3. Choose your input data file, formatted as described above, using the Choose File button.
  4. Once you have uploaded your file the Check Integrity button will activate, use this button to check the integrity of your data input file.
  5. If integrity checks fail, please email ( to troubleshoot. If all integrity checks are passed, as indicated in a green banner above the summary output, please click Download Results in the right corner and email the file to which is managed by Nathan Appel at IMS.
  6. You may choose to analyze your data in interactive mode, which allows you to select your exposures, outcomes, and covariates of interest. Pictured below is an age x metabolites analysis adjusted for smoking group.
  7. Our analyses will be done in batch mode. Please select Batch as specified in the input file on the left panel. Select All Models from the drop down menu. You will be prompted to enter an email address.
  8. After clicking Run Model an email will be sent to your account. Please note that the email will take about 10-15 minutes to arrive but may take longer if others are using COMETS Analytics concurrently.
  9. Please note that the link in the email is only valid for 7 days. Once you have received the email, please forward it to