8. The Study Arm Details Page

This page provides a summary of the Study Arm that belongs to a Program that participates in a Bento-based data sharing platform.

Study Arm Details Page

Study Arm Details Page. Displayed are the configurable components of the Study Arm Details Page.

8.1. Prerequisites

  1. The files that specify the configuration parameters of the Study Arm Details Page are stored in the GitHub https://github.com/CBIIT/bento-frontend (representing your GitHub username as YOUR-USERNAME). Create a local clone of your fork into a local directory, represented in these instructions as $(src).

  2. Configuration Parameters for all Study Arm Details Page Elements can be specified in the file: $(src)/packages/bento-frontend/src/bento/armDetailData.js.

  3. All images and icons used in a Bento instance should be accessible via a public url.

  4. Please review the list of GraphQL queries to select query type(s) that return data of interest.

8.2. Configuring the Study Arm Details Page

Key study arm attributes can be added to the Study Arm Details Page as label:value pairs within a set of subsections (See Step 3. below). A maximum of 6 sections can be added to the Study Arm Details page. Within each subsection a maximum of 10 attributes can be displayed as label:value pairs.

An optional table can be added to the Study Arm Details Page to list arm-level metadata.

  1. Open the file $(src)/packages/bento-frontend/src/bento/armDetailData.js.

  2. Under header:

    • Set the field label to the display label for the Study Arm Details page.

    • Set the field dataField to the GraphQL API query that returns the value, such as the Arm Name or Arm ID to be displayed.

  3. Under subsections:

    • For each label:value pair to be displayed, create an object {label: ,datafield: ,} in properties:

      • Set the field label to the display label for the attribute.

      • Set the field dataField to the GraphQL API query that returns the data to be displayed as a value for the given label:value pair.

      • Optional links can be embedded in the label or value, or both. Links can be internal or external.

        • To add a link to the value specify an internal or external link by adding a link attribute to the object.

        • To add a link to the label specify an internal or external link by adding a labelLink attribute to the object.

    • Add the GraphQL API query field to GET_ARM_DETAIL_DATA_QUERY.

⚠️ WARNING: If more than 6 subsections are configured, only the first 6 subsections will be displayed in the UI, other subsections will be ignored.

⚠️ WARNING: If more than 10 properties are configured, only first 10 properties will be displayed in the UI, other properties will be ignored.

8.3. Configuring the Study Arm Details Page Table

A table can be added to the Study Arm Details Page. This is optional.

  1. Open $(src)/packages/bento-frontend/src/bento/armDetailData.js.

  2. In filesTable:

  • The display field is set to true, by default. Set this field to false to disable the table in the Arm Details page.

  • Set the field title to the desired title.

  • Set the field dataField to the name of the GraphQL API query being used to return data for the Arm Details page. Note: This query should match the GraphQL API query in GET_ARM_DETAIL_DATA_QUERY.

  • Set the field defaultSortField to the name of the query field that will be used to sort the Arm Details page table. Note: this query field should be displayed as one of the columns in the Arm Details page table.

  • Set the field defaultSortDirection to the sort order to be displayed. Valid values are ‘asc’ (ascending) and ‘desc’ (descending).

  • Add the GraphQL API query to GET_ARM_DETAIL_DATA_QUERY.

  1. Example:

const filesTable = {
  display: true,
  title: '<Table Title>',
  dataField: '<GraphQL API query returning data for this page>',
  defaultSortField: '<GraphQL API query field used to sort the table.>',
  defaultSortDirection: '<sort order, asc|desc>',
  '<Your GraphQL query>'' {
    '<Data fields returned by your GraphQL API query>'

8.3.1. Adding Columns to the Study Arm Details Page Table

Up to 10 columns can be added to the Study Arm Details Page Table. If adding more than 10 columns, Bento will display the first 10 columns without an error or warning message. The top-down order of columns will be displayed left to right on the UI.

  1. Open $(src)/packages/bento-frontend/src/bento/armDetailData.js.

  2. Under filesTable, add an object {dataField: , header: , link: ,} to the columns list:

  • Set the field dataField to the GraphQL API query data field that returns the data for the column.

  • Set the field header to the column header name.

  • Set the field link to an internal or external link that is to be embedded into the the column value. See below for additional instructions on adding internal and external links. Links are optional.

  • Add the GraphQL API query data field to GET_ARM_DETAIL_DATA_QUERY.

  1. Example:

const filesTable = {
  columns: [
      dataField: '<GraphQL API query field returning data for this column>',
      header: '<Column Header>',
      link: '<link to be embedded in column value>',
      dataField: '<GraphQL API query field returning data for this column>',
      header: 'PubMed ID',

  '<Your GraphQL query>'' {
    '<Data fields returned by your GraphQL API query>'

8.4. Configurating the Associated Files Table

This table lists files that are associated with a Study Arm. It can be configured as follows:

  1. Open $(src)/packages/bento-frontend/src/bento/armDetailData.js

  2. Edit the filesTable object :

  • display: Show or Hide column (must be true or false)

  • tableTitle : Text to show on table title

  • subjectDetailField : field name in “Data” object to get values for table. Field name for files / Samples data, need to be updated only when using a different GraphQL query

  • defaultSortField: Value must be one of the ‘dataField’ in columns.

  • defaultSortDirection: Sort default column in Ascending or Descending order (value must be asc or desc)

  • buttonText: Text to appear on Add to cart button

  • tooltipMessage : Help Icon Message.

  • columns: a list of column objects. There is a maximum limit of 10 columns. If more than 10 columns are added, Bento will display the first 10 columns without an error or warning message. The top-down order of columns will be displayed left to right on the UI. Each column object is described by the following fields:

    • dataField: specifies what data appears in the column, field must be from the GraphQL API query

    • header: Heading Text for column

    • sort: sort order for column; must be asc or desc

    • primary: applies to primary field of table like “sample_ID” or “File_ID” based on which files will be added in to cart; must be true or false

    • display: Show or Hide column; must be true or false

    • dataFromRoot: Get data from parent element; must be true or false

    • link: Hyperlink to internal or external page. The value can be injected in link dynamically using {datafield}, for example:

      // Internal Link 
      link: '/arm/{dataField}',
      // External Link
      link: 'https://example.com/{dataField}',

8.4.3. GraphQL Queries to Power Tables

The GraphQL Query used for the Associated Files Table is defined in GET_ARM_DETAIL_DATA_QUERY. For example:

// GraphQL query to retrieve detailed info for a case
  query armDetail($study_acronym: String) {
    armDetail(study_acronym: $study_acronym) {
      diagnoses {

⚠️ WARNING: A maximum of 10 columns can be added to the table. If adding more than 10 columns, Bento will display only the first ten columns, without any warning or error message