b3v |
Generates 3 orthogonal views of a map. |
badd |
Adds multiple images to generate a new composite image. |
baddmask |
Adds multiple masks to generate a new composite mask. |
bafm |
Simulates AFM imaging. |
balign |
The second input image is aligned to the first, transformed and output. |
balpha |
Creates and manipulates alpha helices. |
bampweigh |
Weighs the amplitudes of a map using a reference map's amplitudes. |
bar |
Does simple arithmetic on images. |
bass |
Assemble molecular components specified in a model. |
bbackproj |
Reconstructs 3D maps from single particles by backprojection. |
bbif |
Denoises by bilateral filtering. |
bbild |
Generates BILD output from a model. |
bcat |
Catenates a list of images into a multi-image file. |
bcatmol |
Concatenates sets of coordinates with shifts from sets of files. |
bcatseq |
Concatenates protein sequences from different files. |
bcc |
Calculates cross-correlation using fast Fourier transforms. |
bclass |
Classifies raw single particle images with respect to multiple reference maps. |
bcolour |
Generates nice colour images. |
bcomplex |
Converts complex image forms. |
bconvert |
Converts a list of images into a new format, using the original names and replacing the extension. |
bcormut |
Analyzes for correlated mutations in aligned protein sequences. |
bcrystal |
Calculates coordinates for multiple unit cells. |
bctf |
Applies, determines or corrects for the CTF (contrast transfer function) in electron micrographs. |
bcyl |
Unwraps an image to its cylindrical projection. |
bdelta |
Generates and analyzes deltagraphs. |
bdens |
Calculate density in selected regions of a map. |
bdif |
Analyzes diffraction patterns. |
bdual |
Handles dual tomographic tilt series of micrographs. |
bedge |
Smooths the edge of an image to a uniform background. |
beditimg |
Creates a new image or modifies an input image by inserting or deleting regions. |
bfcc |
Fast cross-correlation for the best fit of a 3D map to a template. |
bfft |
Fast Fourier transforms to and from image and reflection formats. |
bfil |
Extracts filaments from a micrograph as straightened filaments or boxed particles. |
bfile |
Examines and modifies binary files. |
bfilter |
Filters images. |
bfilwidth |
Analyzes the periodicity of a filament from width changes. |
bfind |
Searches orientation space for the best fit of a 3D map to a template. |
bfix |
Replaces single characters in a file. |
bflat |
Does phase extension by solvent flattening. |
bflood |
Segments images using the watershed or flooding algorithm. |
bftr |
Resizing an image using Fourier transformation. |
bgex |
Calculates and compares atomic models and maps. |
bgraphseg |
Segment images into density regions using a nondirected graph. |
bhead |
Reports on and modifies image parameters in the image header. |
bheight |
Calculates 2D height images from a 3D map. |
bhelcross |
Calculates the 2D cross section for a helical filament. |
bhelix |
Symmetrizes and projects images with helical symmetry. |
bhisto |
Calculates the histogram of an image and associated statistics. |
bico |
Analyzes icosahedral subtomograms. |
bimg |
Manipulates images in a few general ways. |
bint |
Applies geometric transformations requiring interpolation to 2D and 3D images. |
bkernel |
Calculates filter kernels. |
blocfilt |
blocres |
The local (-box) and shell (-shell) resolution calculations are mutually exclusive. |
bmapdist |
Calculates distance criterions between a set of 2D images or 3D maps. |
bmark |
Operates on sets of micrograph markers. |
bmask |
Generates and uses binary masks of the size given or of the input image. |
bmatch |
Searching an image with a set of 2D templates/references |
bmatrix |
Processes matrices. |
bmaxpow |
Finds orientations of particle images based on maximizing reciprocal space reconstruction power. |
bmd |
Calculates forces on an atomic structure and adjust coordinates. |
bmedian |
Filters images. |
bmg |
Manipulates micrograph parameter files. |
bmg2imod |
Converts between IMOD files and a micrograph parameter file. |
bmgalign |
Aligns micrographs within sets such as focal series specified in parameter files. |
bmgconvert |
Converts micrograph parameter files. |
bmgft |
Fourier transforms micrographs from a tomographic tilt series. |
bmgtransfer |
Transfer pieces of information from input micrograph parameter files |
bmissing |
Generates binary masks corresponding to reciprocal space regions. |
bmm |
Mechanical modeling. |
bmod2part |
Converting between model components and reconstruction particle parameters. |
bmodcol |
Colors models based on selection. |
bmodcomp |
Compares models internally or to reference models. |
bmodedit |
Creates models. |
bmodel |
Manipulates models. |
bmodmap |
Generates a map from a model. |
bmodmask |
Generates a mask from a model if an output image is specified. |
bmodsel |
bmodsym |
Manipulates models. |
bmodview |
Manipulates models. |
bmol |
Edits, analyzes and transforms atomic coordinate files. |
bmoledit |
Manipulates atomic coordinate files. |
bmolhel |
Performs helical symmetry operations on molecules. |
bmolsym |
Performs symmetry operations on molecules. |
bmontage |
Generates a montage from a 3D image or a set of 2D images |
bmonte |
Minimizes the energy of a set of molecular structures using a Monte Carlo Metropolis algorithm. |
bmultifit |
Searches orientation space for a set of solutions for the fit of a template within a 3D map. |
bmultimask |
Manipulates composite/level masks. |
bmultislice |
Simulates electron imaging using a multi-slice approach. |
bnad |
Denoises by nonlinear anisotropic diffusion: Coherence and edge enhancing diffusion. |
bnorm |
Normalizes a set of images based on their histograms. |
bop |
Binary operations for 2D and 3D images. |
borient |
Determines the orientations and origins of single particles with respect to a reference. |
bparam |
Manipulate molecular parameter files. |
bpart |
Manipulates single particle images. |
bpartmulti |
bpartsel |
bpatch |
Patches a list of tiles together with overlap. |
bpath |
Analyzes paths and cycles in a model. |
bphase |
Calculates the phase difference between two images. |
bpick |
Picks and extracts single particles from 2D (micrograph) or 3D (tomogram) images. |
bplane |
Generates and manipulates plane models. |
bpoly |
Manipulate model polyhedral coordinate files. |
bproject |
Projects a 3D map and calculating comparison statistics of the projections. |
bradial |
Calculates radial profiles of 2D and 3D images. |
bradsec |
Generates symmetry-adjusted radial sections from 3D images. |
brandom |
Generates random content images. |
brecadd |
Averages reconstructions or subvolumes of reconstructions based on |
brecmod |
Merges data from micrograph and model files. |
breconstruct |
Reconstructs 2D and 3D maps from single particle images. |
brefine |
Refines the orientations of particle images with respect to a reference map. |
bresolve |
Determines the resolution (FSC and DPR) from two images. |
bscale |
Scales a map with respect to a reference. |
bsegment |
Analyzes images for segmentation. |
bseq |
Manipulates DNA and protein sequences. |
bseqaln |
Analyzes aligned protein sequences. |
bseries |
Aligns series of micrographs using consecutive pairwise cross-correlation. |
bsf |
Calculates structure factors from atomic models. |
bshell |
Generates and operates on shell models. |
bsim |
Simulates TEM images from atomic coordinates. |
bspiral |
Generates a polyhedron using the spiral algorithm. |
bsplit |
Splits multi-image files of the following formats: |
bsplitmol |
Splits sets of coordinates to different numbered files. |
bspr |
Analyzing single particle reconstructions. |
bstar |
Examines and modifies STAR format files. |
bsupix |
Segments an image into superpixels. |
bsurf |
Calculates a 3D surface from an AFM image. |
bsym |
Analyzes for and applies point group symmetry to images. |
bsymcomp |
Finds the best orientation that fits a symmetrized template. |
btile |
Splits an image into overlapping tiles. |
btomaln |
Aligns a tilt series of micrographs by progressive reconstruction. |
btomo |
Manipulates parameter files for tilt series and aligns them by cross-correlation. |
btompart |
Averages reconstructions or subvolumes of reconstructions based on |
btomrec |
Reconstructs a tomogram from an aligned tilt series in Fourier space. |
btomres |
Program to determine the resolution of a tilt series. |
btrack |
Track fiducial markers in a tomographic tilt series of micrographs. |
btree |
Draws phylogenetic trees as postscript. |
btube |
Symmetrizes helical tubes with hexagonal lattices. |
bwater |
Generates and does molecular dynamics on blocks of water. |
bxb |
Extracting a part of a density map and building a new map based on a model. |
bxml |
Reads, writes and validates XML files. |
bzfft |
Assembles slabs and back-transform z-lines for tomogram reconstruction. |
dcount |
Determines the occupancy of components in the maps associated with models. |
dhand |
Compares projections of two oppositely handed reconstructions to images |
dimgstats |
Calculates statistical measures within a set of images or between sets of images. |
dmerge |
Merges corresponding single particle images in a series. |
emgrand |
Randomizes particle parameters. |
jave |
Averages multiple images together. |
jpartdif |
Calculates the difference in the particle parameters, |
jsubtomo |
Finds particles (subtomograms) in a tomographic reconstruction and refines their orientations and origins. |
jviews |
Creates and modifies particle views. |
radon |
Program to do radon transforms. |
radonrecon |
Program to reconstruct a quarter (PI*PI) radon transform from projections. |